Gabriel Pérez Lucas
Gabriel Pérez Lucas
Dpto Química Agrícola, Geología y Edafología. Facultad de Química. Universidad de Murcia
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Environmental risk of groundwater pollution by pesticide leaching through the soil profile
G Pérez-Lucas, N Vela, A El Aatik, S Navarro
Pesticides-use and misuse and their impact in the environment 17, 1-28, 2019
Removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from groundwater by heterogeneous photocatalysis under natural sunlight
N Vela, M Martínez-Menchón, G Navarro, G Pérez-Lucas, S Navarro
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 232, 32-40, 2012
Reclamation of agro-wastewater polluted with pesticide residues using sunlight activated persulfate for agricultural reuse
N Vela, J Fenoll, I Garrido, G Pérez-Lucas, P Flores, P Hellín, S Navarro
Science of The Total Environment 660, 923-930, 2019
Assessment of agro-industrial and composted organic wastes for reducing the potential leaching of triazine herbicide residues through the soil
J Fenoll, N Vela, G Navarro, G Pérez-Lucas, S Navarro
Science of the Total Environment 493, 124-132, 2014
Photocatalytic oxidation of six pesticides listed as endocrine disruptor chemicals from wastewater using two different TiO2 samples at pilot plant scale under sunlight irradiation
N Vela, M Calín, MJ Yáñez-Gascón, I Garrido, G Pérez-Lucas, J Fenoll, ...
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 353, 271-278, 2018
Photocatalytic transformation of sixteen substituted phenylurea herbicides in aqueous semiconductor suspensions: intermediates and degradation pathways
J Fenoll, P Sabater, G Navarro, G Pérez-Lucas, S Navarro
Journal of hazardous materials 244, 370-379, 2013
Solar reclamation of wastewater effluent polluted with bisphenols, phthalates and parabens by photocatalytic treatment with TiO2/Na2S2O8 at pilot plant scale
N Vela, M Calín, MJ Yáñez-Gascón, I Garrido, G Pérez-Lucas, J Fenoll, ...
Chemosphere 212, 95-104, 2018
Photocatalytic oxidation of six endocrine disruptor chemicals in wastewater using ZnO at pilot plant scale under natural sunlight
N Vela, M Calín, MJ Yáñez-Gascón, I Garrido, G Pérez-Lucas, J Fenoll, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 34995-35007, 2018
Decline of pesticide residues from barley to malt
NV S Navarro, G Perez, G Navarro
Food Additives and Contaminants 24 (8), 851-859, 2007
Recent overview on the abatement of pesticide residues in water by photocatalytic treatment using TiO2
N Vela, G Pérez-Lucas, J Fenoll, S Navarro
Applications of titanium dioxide, 147-177, 2017
Abatement kinetics of 30 sulfonylurea herbicide residues in water by photocatalytic treatment with semiconductor materials
J Fenoll, P Sabater, G Navarro, N Vela, G Pérez-Lucas, S Navarro
Journal of environmental management 130, 361-368, 2013
Decay of dinitroaniline herbicides and organophosphorus insecticides during brewing of lager beer
S Navarro, G Pérez, G Navarro, L Mena, N Vela
Journal of food protection 69 (7), 1699-1706, 2006
Assessment of the leaching potential of 12 substituted phenylurea herbicides in two agricultural soils under laboratory conditions
S Navarro, J Hernández-Bastida, G Cazaña, G Pérez-Lucas, J Fenoll
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 60 (21), 5279-5286, 2012
Gas chromatographic determination of pesticide residues in malt, spent grains, wort, and beer with electron capture detection and mass spectrometry
N Vela, G Prez, G Navarro, S Navarro
Journal of AOAC International 90 (2), 544-549, 2007
Solar-driven photocatalytic treatment as sustainable strategy to remove pesticide residues from leaching water
M Aliste, G Pérez-Lucas, N Vela, I Garrido, J Fenoll, S Navarro
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 7222-7233, 2020
Variability in the fermentation rate and colour of young lager beer as influenced by insecticide and herbicide residues
S Navarro, G Pérez, G Navarro, L Mena, N Vela
Food chemistry 105 (4), 1495-1503, 2007
Behavior of myclobutanil, propiconazole, and nuarimol residues during lager beer brewing
S Navarro, G Pérez, N Vela, L Mena, G Navarro
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 53 (22), 8572-8579, 2005
Mobility of insecticide residues and main intermediates in a clay-loam soil, and impact of leachate components on their photocatalytic degradation
M Aliste, G Pérez-Lucas, I Garrido, J Fenoll, S Navarro
Chemosphere 274, 129965, 2021
Leaching behaviour appraisal of eight persistent herbicides on a loam soil amended with different composted organic wastes using screening indices
G Pérez-Lucas, M Gambín, S Navarro
Journal of Environmental Management 273, 111179, 2020
Decline of fluroxypyr and triclopyr residues from pure, drinking and leaching water by photo-assisted peroxonation
G Pérez-Lucas, M Aliste, N Vela, I Garrido, J Fenoll, S Navarro
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 137, 358-365, 2020
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