Zoogeomorphology: animals as geomorphic agents DR Butler Cambridge University Press, 1995 | 602 | 1995 |
The geomorphic influences of beaver dams and failures of beaver dams DR Butler, GP Malanson Geomorphology 71 (1-2), 48-60, 2005 | 329 | 2005 |
An overview of scale, pattern, process relationships in geomorphology: a remote sensing and GIS perspective SJ Walsh, DR Butler, GP Malanson Geomorphology 21 (3-4), 183-205, 1998 | 277 | 1998 |
Sedimentation rates and patterns in beaver ponds in a mountain environment DR Butler, GP Malanson Geomorphology 13 (1-4), 255-269, 1995 | 242 | 1995 |
Recognition and assessment of error in geographic information systems DR Lightfoot, DR Butler Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 53 (10), 1423-1430, 1987 | 215 | 1987 |
Tree rings and natural hazards: a state-of-art M Stoffel, M Bollschweiler, DR Butler, BH Luckman Springer Science & Business Media, 2010 | 201 | 2010 |
Alpine treeline of western North America: linking organism-to-landscape dynamics GP Malanson, DR Butler, DB Fagre, SJ Walsh, DF Tomback, LD Daniels, ... Physical Geography 28 (5), 378-396, 2007 | 193 | 2007 |
Mass movements and tree rings: A guide to dendrogeomorphic field sampling and dating M Stoffel, DR Butler, C Corona Geomorphology 200, 106-120, 2013 | 178 | 2013 |
Influence of snow patterns and snow avalanches on the alpine treeline ecotone SJ Walsh, DR Butler, TR Allen, GP Malanson Journal of Vegetation Science 5 (5), 657-672, 1994 | 171 | 1994 |
Snow avalanche path terrain and vegetation, Glacier National Park, Montana DR Butler Arctic and Alpine Research 11 (1), 17-32, 1979 | 169 | 1979 |
Topographic shelter and conifer establishment and mortality in an alpine environment, Glacier National Park, Montana LM Resler, DR Butler, GP Malanson Physical Geography 26 (2), 112-125, 2005 | 154 | 2005 |
Influences of geomorphology and geology on alpine treeline in the American West—More important than climatic influences? DR Butler, GP Malanson, SJ Walsh, DB Fagre Physical Geography 28 (5), 434-450, 2007 | 131 | 2007 |
A history of high-magnitude snow avalanches, southern Glacier National Park, Montana, USA DR Butler, GP Malanson Mountain Research and Development, 175-182, 1985 | 128 | 1985 |
Mountain treelines: a roadmap for research orientation GP Malanson, LM Resler, MY Bader, FK Holtmeier, DR Butler, DJ Weiss, ... Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 43 (2), 167-177, 2011 | 123 | 2011 |
Dendrogeomorphology and high-magnitude snow avalanches: a review and case study DR Butler, CF Sawyer Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 8 (2), 303-309, 2008 | 113 | 2008 |
Hydrogeomorphic effects of beaver dams in Glacier National Park, Montana RK Meentemeyer, DR Butler Physical Geography 20 (5), 436-446, 1999 | 112 | 1999 |
Lithologic, structural, and topographic influences on snow‐avalanche path location, Eastern Glacier National Park, Montana DR Butler, SJ Walsh Annals of the Association of American Geographers 80 (3), 362-378, 1990 | 102 | 1990 |
Stability of alpine treeline in Glacier National Park DR Butler, GP Malanson, DM Cairns Montana, USA. Phytocoenologia 22 (4), 485-500, 1994 | 97 | 1994 |
The grizzly bear as an erosional agent in mountainous terrain DR Butler Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 36 (2), 179-189, 1992 | 91 | 1992 |
Site characteristics of debris flows and their relationship to alpine treeline DR Butler, SJ Walsh Physical Geography 15 (2), 181-199, 1994 | 84 | 1994 |