Reconstructing three decades of land use and land cover changes in brazilian biomes with landsat archive and earth engine CM Souza Jr, J Z. Shimbo, MR Rosa, LL Parente, A A. Alencar, ... Remote Sensing 12 (17), 2735, 2020 | 915 | 2020 |
Costa de manguezais de macromaré da Amazônia: cenários morfológicos, mapeamento e quantificação de áreas usando dados de sensores remotos PWM Souza Filho Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 23, 427-435, 2005 | 323 | 2005 |
Mapping changes in the largest continuous Amazonian mangrove belt using object-based classification of multisensor satellite imagery W da Rocha Nascimento Junior, PWM Souza-Filho, C Proisy, RM Lucas, ... Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2013 | 175 | 2013 |
Brazilian mangrove status: Three decades of satellite data analysis C Diniz, L Cortinhas, G Nerino, J Rodrigues, L Sadeck, M Adami, ... Remote Sensing 11 (7), 808, 2019 | 162 | 2019 |
A model of Holocene mangrove development and relative sea-level changes on the Bragança Peninsula (northern Brazil) MCL Cohen, PWMS Filho, RJ Lara, H Behling, RJ Angulo Wetlands Ecology and management 13, 433-443, 2005 | 152 | 2005 |
Mine land rehabilitation: Modern ecological approaches for more sustainable mining M Gastauer, JR Silva, CFC Junior, SJ Ramos, PWM Souza Filho, ... Journal of Cleaner Production 172, 1409-1422, 2018 | 142 | 2018 |
Four decades of land-cover, land-use and hydroclimatology changes in the Itacaiúnas River watershed, southeastern Amazon PWM Souza-Filho, EB de Souza, ROS Júnior, WR Nascimento Jr, ... Journal of environmental management 167, 175-184, 2016 | 139 | 2016 |
The subsiding macrotidal barrier estuarine system of the eastern Amazon coast, Northern Brazil SR Dillenburg, PA Hesp, PWM Souza-Filho, GC Lessa, MCL Cohen, ... Geology and geomorphology of Holocene coastal barriers of Brazil, 347-375, 2009 | 133 | 2009 |
Praias arenosas e erosão costeira CRG Souza, PWM Souza Filho, LS Esteves, H Vital, SR Dillenburg, ... Quaternário do Brasil 2005, 130-152, 2005 | 118 | 2005 |
A socioeconomic and natural vulnerability index for oil spills in an Amazonian harbor: A case study using GIS and remote sensing MMN de Andrade, CF Szlafsztein, PWM Souza-Filho, A dos Reis Araújo, ... Journal of environmental management 91 (10), 1972-1980, 2010 | 116 | 2010 |
Recognition of the main geobotanical features along the Bragança mangrove coast (Brazilian Amazon Region) from Landsat TM and RADARSAT-1 data. WR Paradella Wetlands Ecology & Management 10 (2), 2002 | 109 | 2002 |
Using mangroves as a geological indicator of coastal changes in the Bragança macrotidal flat, Brazilian Amazon: a remote sensing data approach PWM Souza Filho, ESF Martins, FR da Costa Ocean & coastal management 49 (7-8), 462-475, 2006 | 103 | 2006 |
Mapping mining areas in the Brazilian amazon using MSI/Sentinel-2 imagery (2017) FL Lobo, PWM Souza-Filho, EMLM Novo, FM Carlos, CCF Barbosa Remote Sensing 10 (8), 1178, 2018 | 98 | 2018 |
Morfologia, processos de sedimentação e litofácies dos ambientes morfo-sedimentares da Planície Costeira Bragantina, Nordeste do Pará, Brasil PWM Souza Filho, M El-Robrini Revista Geonomos 4 (2), 1-16, 1996 | 97 | 1996 |
Use of synthetic aperture radar for recognition of Coastal Geomorphological Features, land-use assessment and shoreline changes in Bragança coast, Pará, Northern Brazil PWM Souza-Filho, WR Paradella Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 75, 341-356, 2003 | 92 | 2003 |
Opposite effects of climate and land use changes on the annual water balance in the Amazon arc of deforestation RBL Cavalcante, PRM Pontes, PWM Souza‐Filho, EB De Souza Water Resources Research 55 (4), 3092-3106, 2019 | 89 | 2019 |
Mine land rehabilitation in Brazil: Goals and techniques in the context of legal requirements M Gastauer, PWM Souza Filho, SJ Ramos, CF Caldeira, JR Silva, ... Ambio 48 (1), 74-88, 2019 | 87 | 2019 |
Compartimentação morfoestrutural e neotectônica do sistema fluvial Guaporé-Mamoré-alto Madeira, Rondônia-Brasil PWME SOUZA FILHO, MLDOES QUADROS, JE SCANDOLARA, ... Brazilian Journal of Geology 29 (4), 469-476, 1999 | 78 | 1999 |
Holocene coastal evolution and facies model of the Bragança macrotidal flat on the Amazon Mangrove Coast, Northern Brazil PWMS Filho, MCL Cohen, RJ Lara, GC Lessa, B Koch, H Behling Journal of Coastal Research, 306-310, 2006 | 76 | 2006 |
Reconstructing three decades of land use and land cover changes in Brazilian biomes with landsat archive and earth engine. Remote Sens 12: 2735 CM Souza, JZ Shimbo, MR Rosa, LL Parente, AA Alencar, BFT Rudorff, ... | 72 | 2020 |