koesoemo ratih
Learning patterns during the disruptive situation in informal education: Parents’ efforts and challenges in the adjustment of progressive learning
K Ratih, MFJ Syah, S Jarin, J Buckworth
Indonesian Journal on Learning and Advanced Education 3 (3), 180-193, 2022
Penguatan Pendidikan Etika dan Karakter Peduli Lingkungan Sosial Budaya di SMP Muhammadiyah 10 Matesih, Karanganyar
K Ratih, RD Utami, D Fuadi, S Mulyasih, D Febriani, SF Asmara, ...
Buletin KKN Pendidikan 2 (1), 44-49, 2020
Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar Peserta Didik melalui Bimbel pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19
A Muzaqi, K Ratih, A Sutopo
Jurnal Ilmiah Kampus Mengajar, 70-77, 2021
Penguatan nilai dan karakter nasionalisme melalui lagu wajib nasional di MI muhammadiyah tanjungsari, boyolali
K Ratih, D Srijono, GY Laksono, AK Dewi, B Jusup, F Fitriyani, ...
Buletin KKN Pendidikan 2 (2), 75-78, 2020
Computational Thinking Lesson in Improving Digital Literacy for Rural Area Children via CS Unplugged
I Yuliana, HD Hermawan, HJ Prayitno, K Ratih, MS Adhantoro, H Hidayati, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1720 (1), 012009, 2021
Prophetic educational values in the Indonesian language textbook: pillars of positive politeness and character education
HJ Prayitno, Y Nasucha, M Huda, K Ratih, M Rohmadi, E Boeriswati, ...
Heliyon 8 (8), 2022
The Progressivist Value of Character Education regarding Social Piety of KHA Dahlan’s Teachings in Sang Pencerah’s Novel: A Prophetic Socio-pragmatic Study [Internet]
J Prayitno, B Sumardjoko, H Apriyadi, Y Nasucha, A Sutopo, K Ratih
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. 12, 2020
Pengembangan Dewi Menari sebagai Desa Wisata Tanon Lereng Gunung Telomoyo di Kecamatan Getasan, Kabupaten Semarang
D Fuadi, S Suharjo, K Ratih, RD Utami, D Sarbini
Buletin KKN Pendidikan 2 (1), 28-36, 2020
Types and causes of students’ disruptive behaviors in English class: A case study at Dondaeng Secondary School, Laos
P Vongvilay, E Fauziati, K Ratih
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora 22 (2), 72-83, 2021
Snowball throwing: An English learning method to improve vocabulary mastery and psychomotor ability
S Kusumaningrum, IG Setyawati, A Sutopo, K Ratih, TIA Badri, ...
Indonesian Journal on Learning and Advanced Education (IJOLAE) 2 (1), 10-19, 2019
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Blended di MII Subah pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19
K Ratih, HJ Prayitno, WH Prasetyo, I Irmawati, AD Safitri
Berdikari: Jurnal Inovasi Dan Penerapan Ipteks 9 (2), 151-160, 2021
Preparing for Quality EFL Teachers: The Disjuncture Between Policies and Practice in The Internet Communication Technology (ICT) Use in Classroom Context
K Ratih, HJ Prayitmo, AS Sutopo, L Tamatea, MS Adhantoro
The 4th Progressive and Fun Education (The 4th Profunedu) International …, 2019
Humanism learning design using multiple intelligence approach in life skills of the elementary school students of special program in the era of global communication and …
HJ Prayitno, A Sutopo, K Ratih, RD Utami, RT Nugroho, GAN Zakaria
Elementary Education Online 19 (4), 202-202, 2020
Preparing for quality: The alignment of the professional knowledge domain across global, national and local institutional policies
K Ratih, L Tamatea, J Buckworth, HJ Joko, E Akib
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST) 28 (8s …, 2019
Research Project
A Latif, L Maunganidze
Harare: Zimbabwe Open University, 2003
Pelatihan Seni sebagai Upaya Optimalisasi Potensi Hemisfer Kanan pada Anak Usia Sekolah
SN Purwanti, A Nurcahyo, K Ratih, H Supriyadi
Buletin KKN Pendidikan 3 (1), 23-32, 2021
Becoming an EFL teacher: Microteaching as a contribution to pre-service teacher education in Indonesia.
S Koesoemo, R., & Shore
The International Journal of Diversity in Education 14 (2), 7-17, 2015
Speech act of hate speech in the discourse of ilc talkshow tvone: literature study on humanity using psychopragmatic perspective
HJ Prayitno, ID Sari, Y Nasucha, K Ratih, RD Utami, N Jamaludin, ...
Psychology and Education 57 (8), 1044-1053, 2020
Motivasi dalam Usaha Meningkatkan Keterampilan Wicara Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa Jurusan Non-Bahasa Inggris Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta 2001/2002
K Ratih
Teachers' Challenges in Implementing Differentiated Instruction in Teaching English at Junior High School
I Suryati, K Ratih, M Maryadi
Eduvest-Journal of Universal Studies 3 (9), 1693-1708, 2023
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