François Leo
François Leo
Université libre de Bruxelles
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Temporal cavity solitons in one-dimensional Kerr media as bits in an all-optical buffer
F Leo, S Coen, P Kockaert, SP Gorza, P Emplit, M Haelterman
Nature Photonics 4 (7), 471-476, 2010
An octave-spanning mid-infrared frequency comb generated in a silicon nanophotonic wire waveguide
B Kuyken, T Ideguchi, S Holzner, M Yan, TW Hänsch, J Van Campenhout, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6310, 2015
Silicon and silicon nitride photonic circuits for spectroscopic sensing on-a-chip
AZ Subramanian, E Ryckeboer, A Dhakal, F Peyskens, A Malik, B Kuyken, ...
Photonics Research 3 (5), B47-B59, 2015
Dynamics of one-dimensional Kerr cavity solitons
F Leo, L Gelens, P Emplit, M Haelterman, S Coen
Optics express 21 (7), 9180-9191, 2013
Visible-to-near-infrared octave spanning supercontinuum generation in a silicon nitride waveguide
H Zhao, B Kuyken, S Clemmen, F Leo, A Subramanian, A Dhakal, P Helin, ...
Optics letters 40 (10), 2177-2180, 2015
Universal mechanism for the binding of temporal cavity solitons
Y Wang, F Leo, J Fatome, M Erkintalo, SG Murdoch, S Coen
Optica 4 (8), 855-863, 2017
Silicon-based photonic integration beyond the telecommunication wavelength range
G Roelkens, UD Dave, A Gassenq, N Hattasan, C Hu, B Kuyken, F Leo, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 20 (4), 394-404, 2014
Walk-off-induced modulation instability, temporal pattern formation, and frequency comb generation in cavity-enhanced second-harmonic generation
F Leo, T Hansson, I Ricciardi, M De Rosa, S Coen, S Wabnitz, M Erkintalo
Physical Review Letters 116 (3), 033901, 2016
Second-harmonic-assisted four-wave mixing in chip-based microresonator frequency comb generation
X Xue, F Leo, Y Xuan, JA Jaramillo-Villegas, PH Wang, DE Leaird, ...
Light: Science & Applications 6 (4), e16253-e16253, 2017
Modulation instability induced frequency comb generation in a continuously pumped optical parametric oscillator
S Mosca, M Parisi, I Ricciardi, F Leo, T Hansson, M Erkintalo, ...
Physical review letters 121 (9), 093903, 2018
Third-order chromatic dispersion stabilizes Kerr frequency combs
P Parra-Rivas, D Gomila, F Leo, S Coen, L Gelens
Optics letters 39 (10), 2971-2974, 2014
Observations of spatiotemporal instabilities of temporal cavity solitons
M Anderson, F Leo, S Coen, M Erkintalo, SG Murdoch
Optica 3 (10), 1071-1074, 2016
Silicon-based heterogeneous photonic integrated circuits for the mid-infrared
G Roelkens, U Dave, A Gassenq, N Hattasan, C Hu, B Kuyken, F Leo, ...
Optical Materials Express 3 (9), 1523-1536, 2013
Coexistence of multiple nonlinear states in a tristable passive Kerr resonator
M Anderson, Y Wang, F Leo, S Coen, M Erkintalo, SG Murdoch
Physical Review X 7 (3), 031031, 2017
Frequency-comb formation in doubly resonant second-harmonic generation
F Leo, T Hansson, I Ricciardi, M De Rosa, S Coen, S Wabnitz, M Erkintalo
Physical Review A 93 (4), 043831, 2016
Dispersive wave emission and supercontinuum generation in a silicon wire waveguide pumped around the 1550 nm telecommunication wavelength
F Leo, SP Gorza, J Safioui, P Kockaert, S Coen, U Dave, B Kuyken, ...
Optics letters 39 (12), 3623-3626, 2014
Octave-spanning coherent supercontinuum generation in an AlGaAs-on-insulator waveguide
B Kuyken, M Billet, F Leo, K Yvind, M Pu
Optics Letters 45 (3), 603-606, 2020
High-efficiency SOI fiber-to-chip grating couplers and low-loss waveguides for the short-wave infrared
N Hattasan, B Kuyken, F Leo, EMP Ryckeboer, D Vermeulen, G Roelkens
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 24 (17), 1536-1538, 2012
Coherent supercontinuum generation in a silicon photonic wire in the telecommunication wavelength range
F Leo, SP Gorza, S Coen, B Kuyken, G Roelkens
Optics letters 40 (1), 123-126, 2014
Nonlinear symmetry breaking induced by third-order dispersion in optical fiber cavities
F Leo, A Mussot, P Kockaert, P Emplit, M Haelterman, M Taki
Physical review letters 110 (10), 104103, 2013
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