Saied Abdel-Rahman Mohamed Shrief
Saied Abdel-Rahman Mohamed Shrief
Professor, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt
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Correlation and path coefficient analysis for some new released (00) spring rapeseed cultivars grown under different competitive systems
R Shabana, SA Shrief, AF Ibrahim, G Geisler
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 165 (2‐3), 138-143, 1990
Variation in seed yield and quality characters of four spring oil rapeseed cultivars as influenced by population arrangements and densities
SA Shrief, R Shabana, AF Ibrahim, G Geisler
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 165 (2‐3), 103-109, 1990
Interrelationships and path-coefficient analysis for some characters in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.).
AF Ibrahim, DA El-Kadi, AK Ahmed, SA Shrief
Effect of different irrigation regimes on grain and protein yields and water use efficiency of barley.
SA Shrief, AAA El-Mohsen
Sci. Agric. 8 (3), 140-147, 2014
Regression models to describe the influence of different irrigation regimes on grain yield and water use efficiency in bread wheat.
SA Shrief, AAA El-Mohsen
Advance in Agriculture and Biology 4 (1), 39-49, 2015
Combining ability and heterobeltiosis in crosses among local and exotic sesame, Sesamum indicum, L. cultivars
R Shabana, BA El-Ahmar, SA Shrief, S El-Shkhess
Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research (Egypt) 74 (2), 1996
Comparative studies on the performance of twelve superior mutant lines relative to local sesame (Sesamum indicum, L.) cultivars.
AF Ibrahim, DA El-Kadi, AKASA Shrief
Bull. Fac. Agric. Cairo Univ. Vol. XXXIV, 105-129, 1983
Groundnut improvement: Drought stress and water use efficiency of some peanut genotypes grown under newly reclaimed soil
SA Shrief, AA Abd El-Mohsen, HM Abdel-Lattif, M El Soda, HS Zein, ...
Plant Archives 20 (2), 1527-1536, 2020
Heterosis, gene action and combining ability of grain yield and its components in six bread wheat crosses
SAER Shrief, MAE Abd El-Shafi, SAEB El-Sadi
Bioscience Research 14 (4), 1204-1215, 2017
Seawater intrusion in the Nile Delta aquifer under different pumping scenarios
M Sherif, AMO Mohamed, A Ghosh Bobba, VP Singh
Environmental and groundwater pollution, 335-349, 2002
Gene action and heritability estimates in some sesame (Sesamum indicum, L.) crosses.
BA El-Ahmar, SA Shrief, R Shabana, Samar El-Shakhess
Egypt. J. Agron. Res. 74 (2), 371-381, 1996
Mean-performance, interrelationships and path analysis of yield traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crosses.
SA Shrief, MA Abd EL-Shafi, SA El-Ssadi, HM Abd EL-Lattif
Plant Archives (09725210) 19 (2), 2019
Influence of three soil moisture levels on early growth and proline content of some faba bean genotypes
DS Darwish, SA Shrief, GM Fahmy, MMY Madany, AM Saleh, ...
International Journal of Chem. Tech Research 9, 0, 2016
Yield stability of some barley genotypes
DA El-Kadi, SA Shrief, HMM Abdel-Lattif
Journal of Plant Production 32 (1), 75-85, 2007
Parametric and non-parametric measures of stability in oil-seed rape hybrids.
SA Shrief
Egypt. J. Plant Breed 7 (1), 689-706, 2003
An analysis of genetic variance components in populations of sesame, Sesamum indicum L.
SA Shrief
Zagazig Journal of Agricultural Research (Egypt) 24 (3), 1997
Untersuchungen zum Einfluß von Konkurrenzbedingungen auf die Entwicklung der Bestandesstruktur von Sommerraps
G Geisler, SA Shrief, AF Ibrahim, R Shabana
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 168 (1), 20-33, 1992
Groundnut Improvement: Induced Genetic Variability For Yield And Its components In Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea l.) Through Gamma Irradiation
Plant Cell Biotechnology And Molecular Biology 22 (71-72), 426-437, 2021
Mean performance, drought tolerance indices and water use efficiency of some Egyptian wheat genotypes
SA Shrief, AA Abd El-Mohsen, MA Abd El-Shafi, SA El-Sadi
BIOSCIENCE RESEARCH 15 (3), 2880-2892, 2018
Nature of associations among certain physiological attributes and their contribution to yield of sesame.
SA Shrief, Sawsan M A-E Abou-Taleb
Egypt J. Plant Breed. 10 (10), 359-375, 2006
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