Design of secure ECG-based biometric authentication in body area sensor networks S Peter, B Pratap Reddy, F Momtaz, T Givargis Sensors 16 (4), 570, 2016 | 69 | 2016 |
From the Browser to the Remote Physical Lab: Programming Cyber-physical Systems S Peter, F Momtaz, T Givargis Frontiers in Education (FIE) 2015, 2015 | 17 | 2015 |
Toward a drought cyberinfrastructure system F Momtaz, N Nakhjiri, A AghaKouchak Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 95 (22), 182-183, 2014 | 9 | 2014 |
Weather Augmented Risk Determination System A AghaKouchak, M Niknejad, O Mazdiyasni, F Momtaz US Patent App. 15/806,143, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Secure ECG-Based Biometric Authentication in Body Area Sensor Networks F Momtaz University of California, Irvine, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
Weather Augmented Risk Determination (WARD) System M Niknejad UC Irvine, 2015 | | 2015 |
Toward a Drought Cyberinfrastructure System for Improving Water Resource Management and Policy Making A AghaKouchak, D Feldman, S Grant, A Farahmand, N Nakhjiri, F Momtaz AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, H21N-05, 2014 | | 2014 |