Fluency: Bridge between decoding and reading comprehension JJ Pikulski, DJ Chard The reading teacher 58 (6), 510-519, 2005 | 1386 | 2005 |
A synthesis of research on effective interventions for building reading fluency with elementary students with learning disabilities DJ Chard, S Vaughn, BJ Tyler Journal of learning disabilities 35 (5), 386-406, 2002 | 1281 | 2002 |
Mathematics instruction for students with learning disabilities: A meta-analysis of instructional components R Gersten, DJ Chard, M Jayanthi, SK Baker, P Morphy, J Flojo Review of educational research 79 (3), 1202-1242, 2009 | 1028 | 2009 |
Number sense: Rethinking arithmetic instruction for students with mathematical disabilities R Gersten, D Chard The Journal of special education 33 (1), 18-28, 1999 | 859 | 1999 |
The underlying message in LD intervention research: Findings from research syntheses S Vaughn, R Gersten, DJ Chard Exceptional children 67 (1), 99-114, 2000 | 758 | 2000 |
Phonological awareness: Instructional and assessment guidelines DJ Chard, SV Dickson Intervention in school and clinic 34 (5), 261-270, 1999 | 548 | 1999 |
Perceptions and knowledge of preservice and inservice educators about early reading instruction C Bos, N Mather, S Dickson, B Podhajski, D Chard Annals of dyslexia 51, 97-120, 2001 | 534 | 2001 |
Factors enhancing sustained use of research-based instructional practices R Gersten, D Chard, S Baker Journal of learning disabilities 33 (5), 445-456, 2000 | 370 | 2000 |
Demonstration of combined efforts in school-wide academic and behavioral systems and incidence of reading and behavior challenges in early elementary grades K McIntosh, DJ Chard, JB Boland, RH Horner Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions 8 (3), 146-154, 2006 | 330 | 2006 |
Reading fluency TV Rasinski, DR Reutzel, D Chard, S Linan-Thompson Handbook of reading research, Volume IV, 286-319, 2011 | 325 | 2011 |
Making the Very Most of Classroom Read‐Alouds to Promote Comprehension and Vocabulary LE Santoro, DJ Chard, L Howard, SK Baker The reading teacher 61 (5), 396-408, 2008 | 315 | 2008 |
Repeated reading interventions for students with learning disabilities: Status of the evidence DJ Chard, LR Ketterlin-Geller, SK Baker, C Doabler, C Apichatabutra Exceptional Children 75 (3), 263-281, 2009 | 312 | 2009 |
Teaching writing to at-risk students: The quality of evidence for self-regulated strategy development SK Baker, DJ Chard, LR Ketterlin-Geller, C Apichatabutra, C Doabler Exceptional children 75 (3), 303-318, 2009 | 290 | 2009 |
Fluency and comprehension interventions for third-grade students S Vaughn, DJ Chard, DP Bryant, M Coleman, BJ Tyler, ... Remedial and Special Education 21 (6), 325-335, 2000 | 280 | 2000 |
Using measures of number sense to screen for difficulties in mathematics: Preliminary findings DJ Chard, B Clarke, S Baker, J Otterstedt, D Braun, R Katz Assessment for Effective Intervention 30 (2), 3-14, 2005 | 262 | 2005 |
The use of reading and behavior screening measures to predict nonresponse to school-wide positive behavior support: A longitudinal analysis K McIntosh, RH Horner, DJ Chard, JB Boland, RHIII Good School Psychology Review 35 (2), 275-291, 2006 | 216 | 2006 |
Making connections in mathematics: Conceptual mathematics intervention for low-performing students LR Ketterlin-Geller, DJ Chard, H Fien Remedial and Special Education 29 (1), 33-45, 2008 | 187 | 2008 |
Full inclusion and the education of children and youth with emotional and behavioral disorders TJ Lewis, D Chard, TM Scott Behavioral Disorders 19 (4), 277-293, 1994 | 185 | 1994 |
Preventing early mathematics difficulties: The feasibility of a rigorous kindergarten mathematics curriculum DJ Chard, SK Baker, B Clarke, K Jungjohann, K Davis, K Smolkowski Learning Disability Quarterly 31 (1), 11-20, 2008 | 182 | 2008 |
Struggling first-grade readers: The frequency and progress of their reading DJ Chard, EJ Kameenui The Journal of Special Education 34 (1), 28-38, 2000 | 177 | 2000 |