Xiongcai Cai
Xiongcai Cai
Professor (Adjunct Associate), University of New South Wales; Lead Data Scientist, QBE Insurance
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Real-time prediction of mortality, readmission, and length of stay using electronic health record data
X Cai, O Perez-Concha, E Coiera, F Martin-Sanchez, R Day, D Roffe, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 23 (3), 553-561, 2016
Collaborative filtering for people to people recommendation in social networks
X Cai, M Bain, A Krzywicki, W Wobcke, YS Kim, P Compton, A Mahidadia
AI 2010: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 23rd Australasian Joint …, 2011
Learning collaborative filtering and its application to people to people recommendation in social networks
X Cai, M Bain, A Krzywicki, W Wobcke, YS Kim, P Compton, A Mahidadia
2010 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 743-748, 2010
Collaborative filtering for people-to-people recommendation in online dating: Data analysis and user trial
A Krzywicki, W Wobcke, YS Kim, X Cai, M Bain, A Mahidadia, P Compton
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 76, 50-66, 2015
Interaction-based collaborative filtering methods for recommendation in online dating
A Krzywicki, W Wobcke, X Cai, A Mahidadia, M Bain, P Compton, YS Kim
Web Information Systems Engineering–WISE 2010: 11th International Conference …, 2010
Reciprocal and heterogeneous link prediction in social networks
X Cai, M Bain, A Krzywicki, W Wobcke, YS Kim, P Compton, A Mahidadia
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 16th Pacific-Asia …, 2012
People recommendation based on aggregated bidirectional intentions in social network site
YS Kim, A Mahidadia, P Compton, X Cai, M Bain, A Krzywicki, W Wobcke
Knowledge Management and Acquisition for Smart Systems and Services: 11th …, 2010
Self-training temporal dynamic collaborative filtering
C Luo, X Cai, N Chowdhury
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 18th Pacific-Asia …, 2014
Level learning set: A novel classifier based on active contour models
X Cai, A Sowmya
Machine Learning: ECML 2007: 18th European Conference on Machine Learning …, 2007
Boostmf: Boosted matrix factorisation for collaborative ranking
N Chowdhury, X Cai, C Luo
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2015
Hybrid techniques to address cold start problems for people to people recommendation in social networks
YS Kim, A Krzywicki, W Wobcke, A Mahidadia, P Compton, X Cai, M Bain
PRICAI 2012: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 12th Pacific Rim …, 2012
A deployed people-to-people recommender system in online dating
W Wobcke, A Krzywicki, YS Kim, X Cai, M Bain, P Compton, A Mahidadia
AI Magazine 36 (3), 5-18, 2015
Development of patient decision support tools for motor neuron disease using stakeholder consultation: a study protocol
A Hogden, D Greenfield, J Caga, X Cai
BMJ Open 6 (4), 2016
Robust object tracking using the particle filtering and level set methods: A comparative experiment
C Luo, X Cai, J Zhang
2008 IEEE 10th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 359-364, 2008
People-to-people recommendation using multiple compatible subgroups
YS Kim, A Mahidadia, P Compton, A Krzywicki, W Wobcke, X Cai, M Bain
AI 2012: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 25th Australasian Joint …, 2012
Learning parameter tuning for object extraction
X Cai, A Sowmya, J Trinder
Computer Vision–ACCV 2006: 7th Asian Conference on Computer Vision …, 2006
Using a critic to promote less popular candidates in a people-to-people recommender system
A Krzywicki, W Wobcke, X Cai, M Bain, A Mahidadia, P Compton, Y Kim
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 26 (2), 2305-2310, 2012
Learning to tune level set methods
X Cai, A Sowmya
2009 24th International Conference Image and Vision Computing New Zealand …, 2009
Learning to recognise roads from high resolution remotely sensed images
X Cai, A Sowmya, J Trinder
2005 International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and …, 2005
Bayesian wishart matrix factorization
C Luo, X Cai
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 30, 1166-1191, 2016
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