Nining Sari Ningsih
Upwelling variability along the southern coast of Bali and in Nusa Tenggara waters
NS Ningsih, N Rakhmaputeri, AB Harto
Ocean Science Journal 48, 49-57, 2013
Variabilitas suhu dan klorofil-a di daerah upwelling pada variasi kejadian ENSO dan IOD di perairan selatan Jawa sampai Timor
K Kunarso, S Hadi, NS Ningsih, MS Baskoro
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 16 (3), 171-180, 2011
Plastic pollution research in Indonesia: state of science and future research directions to reduce impacts
P Vriend, H Hidayat, J van Leeuwen, MR Cordova, NP Purba, AJ Löhr, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 9, 692907, 2021
Distributary channels in the fluvial to tidal transition zone
K Kästner, AJF Hoitink, B Vermeulen, TJ Geertsema, NS Ningsih
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 122 (3), 696-710, 2017
Hydrology of inland tropical lowlands: The Kapuas and Mahakam wetlands
H Hidayat, AJ Teuling, B Vermeulen, M Taufik, K Kastner, TJ Geertsema, ...
Hydrology and earth system sciences 21 (5), 2579-2594, 2017
Kajian lokasi upwelling untuk penentuan fishing ground potensial ikan tuna
K Kunarso, S Hadi, NS Ningsih
Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 10 (2), 61-67, 2005
Early morning peaks in the diurnal cycle of precipitation over the northern coast of West Java and possible influencing factors
E Yulihastin, T Wahyu Hadi, N Sari Ningsih, M Ridho Syahputra
Annales Geophysicae 38 (1), 231-242, 2020
Prerequisites for accurate monitoring of river discharge based on fixed‐location velocity measurements
K Kästner, AJF Hoitink, P Torfs, B Vermeulen, NS Ningsih, M Pramulya
Water resources research 54 (2), 1058-1076, 2018
Preliminary study of wave energy resource assessment and its seasonal variation along the southern coasts of Java, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara waters
A Mahiru Rizal, N Sari Ningsih, I Sofian, F Hanifah, I Hilmi
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 11 (1), 2019
Internal waves dynamics in the Lombok Strait studied by a numerical model
NS Ningsih, R Rachmayani, S Hadi, IS Brodjonegoro
International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES) 5 (1), 2010
Karakteristik Upwelling di Sepanjang Perairan Selatan NTT Hingga Barat Sumatera
K Kunarso, NS Ningsih, A Supangat
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 10 (1), 17-23, 2005
Study on characteristics of residual water level in Jakarta, Semarang, and Surabaya waters–Indonesia and its relation to storm events in November 2007
NS Ningsih, W Suryo, SD Anugrah
Int. J. Basic Appl. Sci 11 (5), 19-25, 2011
Propagation of tides along a river with a sloping bed
K Kästner, AJF Hoitink, P Torfs, E Deleersnijder, NS Ningsih
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 872, 39-73, 2019
Three-dimensional simulation of water circulation in the Java Sea: influence of wind waves on surface and bottom stresses
NS Ningsih, T Yamashita, L Aouf
Natural Hazards: State-of-the-Art at the End of the Second Millennium, 145-171, 2000
Analysis of ocean wave characteristic in Western Indonesian Seas using wave spectrum model
R Rachmayani, NS Ningsih, H Ramadhan, S Nurfitri
MATEC Web of Conferences 147, 05001, 2018
Ocean wave energy potential along the west coast of the Sumatra island, Indonesia
AM Rizal, NS Ningsih
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy 6 (2), 137-154, 2020
Perubahan Kedalaman & Ketebalan Termoklin pada Variasi Kejadian ENSO, IOD & Monsun di Perairan Selatan Jawa Hingga Pulau Timor (Charge of Thermocline Thickness & Depth on the …
K Kunarso, S Hadi, NS Ningsih, MS Baskoro
Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 17 (2), 87-98, 2012
Dynamics of eddies in the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean
F Hanifah, NS Ningsih, I Sofian
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 739 (1), 012042, 2016
Pola sirkulasi arus dan salinitas perairan estuari Sungai Kapuas Kalimantan Barat
MI Jumarang, NSN Muliadi, S Hadi, D Martha, NS Ningsih
Positron 1 (1), 2011
Simulasi rob di Semarang menggunakan model Hidrodinamika 2D
MN Habibie, A Hartoko, NS Ningsih, M Helmi, S Siswanto, R Kurniawan, ...
Jurnal Meteorologi dan Geofisika 13 (2), 2012
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