yuniar khasanah
yuniar khasanah
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Nutritional Evaluation of Ulva sp. from Sepanjang Coast, Gunungkidul, Indonesia
TH Jatmiko, DJ Prasetyo, CD Poeloengasih, Y Khasanah
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 251 (1), 012011, 2019
In vivo study on albumin and total protein in white rat (Rattus Norvegicus) after feeding of enteral formula from tempe and local food
Y Khasanah, D Ariani, M Angwar, T Nuraeni
Procedia Food Science 3, 274-279, 2015
Metabolomics and proteomics approach using LC-Orbitrap HRMS for the detection of pork in tuna meat for halal authentication
Suratno, A Windarsih, HD Warmiko, Y Khasanah, AW Indrianingsih, ...
Food Analytical Methods 16 (5), 867-877, 2023
Isolation oligosaccharides from gembili (Dioscorea esculenta Lour. Burkill) as prebiotics
Y Khasanah, R Nurhayati, S Btari, E Ratnaningrum
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 633 (1), 012006, 2019
Pengaruh Waktu Penyimpanan Terhadap Karakteristik Makanan Tradisional “Jenang Saban.”
A Kusumaningrum, D Ariani, Y Khasanah, T Wiyono
Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Industri 9 (1), 23-36, 2017
Shelf life prediction for canned gudeg using accelerated shelf life testing (ASLT) based on Arrhenius method
R Nurhayati, ER NH, A Susanto, Y Khasanah
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 193 (1), 012025, 2017
Formulation and shelf life prediction of cookies from modified cassava flour (mocaf) in flexible packaging
M Kurniadi, Y Khasanah, A Kusumaningrum, M Angwar, D Rachmawanti, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 251 (1), 012034, 2019
Application of static retort thermal processing technology for dried beef Rendang production: Evaluation of its post-processing on microbiological and physicochemical properties
A Frediansyah, AS Praharasti, A Kusumaningrum, A Nurhikmat, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1788 (1), 2017
Shelf life evaluation of formulated cookies from Hanjeli (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) and Moringa leaf flour (Moringa oleifera)
AC Iwansyah, D Melanie, W Cahyadi, AW Indraningsih, Y Khasanah, ...
Food Bioscience 47, 101787, 2022
Modified Cassava Flour (Mocaf): Optimalisasi Proses dan Potensi Pengembangan Industri Berbasis UMKM
RL Helmi, Y Khasanah
Penerbit BRIN, 2020
Physicochemical properties, antioxidant activities, β-carotene content, and sensory properties of cookies from pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) and modified cassava flour (Manihot …
AW Indrianingsih, VT Rosyida, C Darsih, W Apriyana, AC Iwansyah, ...
Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 31, 100398, 2024
Kontrol konsistensi mutu dan kandungan aflatoksin produk kacang tanah sangrai melalui standardisasi proses produksi
U Laila, Y Khasanah, R Nurhayati, D Ariani, L Istiqomah, W Widiastuti, ...
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Industri 13 (2), 146, 2019
Penggunaan Tepung pada Pembuatan Bawang Merah Goreng Enrekang: Kajian Tingkat Rendemen dan Nilai Gizinya
Y Khasanah, ERN Herawati, AS Praharasti, A Kusumaningrum, ...
Journal of Food and Culinary, 33-38, 2019
Physicochemical Properties and its Relations of Beef Rendang inside Retort Pouch Packaging in Various Temperature Storage Conditions
AS Praharasti, A Kusumaningrum, Y Khasanah, R Nurhayati, A Nurhikmat, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 251 (1), 012043, 2019
Antioxidant, total phenolic content and physicochemical properties of modified cassava flour
Y Khasanah, AW Indrianingsih, P Triwitono, A Murdiati
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1241 (1), 012094, 2023
Karakteristik Fisikokimia Dan Mikrobiologi Modified Cassava Flour (MOCAF) Yang Difermentasi Menggunakan Starter Kering The Physicochemical And Microbiological Characteristics …
Y Khasanah, R Nurhayati, A Mustikasari, IW Astuti
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Industri 15 (2), 168-178, 2021
Lethality of Rendang packaged in multilayer retortable pouch with sterilization process
AS Praharasti, A Kusumaningrum, A Frediansyah, A Nurhikmat, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1788 (1), 2017
Pemberian makanan enteral berformulasi bahan pangan lokal terhadap kadar zat besi dan hemoglobin pada tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus)
D Ariani, M Angwar, Y Khasanah, R Ratnayani, T Nuraeni
Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia 10 (1), 49, 2013
Shelf-life evaluation of formulated cookies from hanjeli (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) and moringa leaf flour (Moringa oleifera). Food Bioscience, 47, 101787
A Chandra, M Dwi, W Cahyadi, A Wheni, Y Khasanah, A Indriati, R Erwan, ...
The effect of soaking of white and red varieties of Sorghum bicolor flour on its antioxidant, antidiabetic and physicochemical properties
AW Indrianingsih, Y Khasanah, E Noviana, E Rahayu, HP Hastuti, ...
Food and Humanity 1, 1531-1538, 2023
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