Nigel Fox
Nigel Fox
在 npl.co.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Progress in field spectroscopy
EJ Milton, ME Schaepman, K Anderson, M Kneubühler, N Fox
Remote Sensing of Environment 113, S92-S109, 2009
A cryogenic radiometer for absolute radiometric measurements
JE Martin, NP Fox, PJ Key
Metrologia 21 (3), 147, 1985
Trap detectors and their properties
NP Fox
Metrologia 28 (3), 197, 1991
Achieving climate change absolute accuracy in orbit
BA Wielicki, DF Young, MG Mlynczak, KJ Thome, S Leroy, J Corliss, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 94 (10), 1519-1539, 2013
Overview of intercalibration of satellite instruments
G Chander, TJ Hewison, N Fox, X Wu, X Xiong, WJ Blackwell
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 51 (3), 1056-1080, 2013
RadCalNet: A radiometric calibration network for Earth observing imagers operating in the visible to shortwave infrared spectral range
M Bouvet, K Thome, B Berthelot, A Bialek, J Czapla-Myers, NP Fox, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (20), 2401, 2019
Photometry, radiometry and ‘the candela’: evolution in the classical and quantum world
JC Zwinkels, E Ikonen, NP Fox, G Ulm, ML Rastello
Metrologia 47 (5), R15, 2010
The quantum candela: a re-definition of the standard units for optical radiation
JY Cheung, CJ Chunnilall, ER Woolliams, NP Fox, JR Mountford, J Wang, ...
Journal of Modern Optics 54 (2-3), 373-396, 2007
Absolute linearity measurements on HgCdTe detectors in the infrared region
E Theocharous, J Ishii, NP Fox
Applied Optics 43 (21), 4182-4188, 2004
Accurate radiometry from space: an essential tool for climate studies
N Fox, A Kaiser-Weiss, W Schmutz, K Thome, D Young, B Wielicki, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2011
Uncertainty budgets for calibration of radiation thermometers below the silver point
P Saunders, J Fischer, M Sadli, M Battuello, CW Park, Z Yuan, H Yoon, ...
International Journal of Thermophysics 29, 1066-1083, 2008
Guiding the creation of a comprehensive surface temperature resource for twenty-first-century climate science
PW Thorne, KM Willett, RJ Allan, S Bojinski, JR Christy, N Fox, S Gilbert, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 92 (11), ES40-ES47, 2011
Highly stable, monochromatic and tunable optical radiation source and its application to high accuracy spectrophotometry
VE Anderson, NP Fox, DH Nettleton
Applied Optics 31 (4), 536-545, 1992
Direct reflectance measurements from drones: Sensor absolute radiometric calibration and system tests for forest reflectance characterization
T Hakala, L Markelin, E Honkavaara, B Scott, T Theocharous, ...
Sensors 18 (5), 1417, 2018
Absolute spectral radiometric determination of the thermodynamic temperatures of the melting/freezing points of gold, silver and aluminium
NP Fox, JE Martin, DH Nettleton
Metrologia 28 (5), 357, 1991
Improved comparison of the World Radiometric Reference and the SI radiometric scale
J Romero, NP Fox, C Fröhlich
Metrologia 32 (6), 523, 1995
Radiometry with cryogenic radiometers and semiconductor photodiodes
NP Fox
Metrologia 32 (6), 535, 1995
Common black coatings–reflectance and ageing characteristics in the 0.32–14.3 μm wavelength range
MR Dury, T Theocharous, N Harrison, N Fox, M Hilton
Optics communications 270 (2), 262-272, 2007
Satellite-driven modelling of net primary productivity (NPP): Theoretical analysis
A Prieto-Blanco, PRJ North, MJ Barnsley, N Fox
Remote Sensing of Environment 113 (1), 137-147, 2009
Fourth World Radiometric Reference to SI radiometric scale comparison and implications for on-orbit measurements of the total solar irradiance
A Fehlmann, G Kopp, W Schmutz, R Winkler, W Finsterle, N Fox
Metrologia 49 (2), S34, 2012
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