I Made Bakta
I Made Bakta
Profesor Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana
在 unud.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Hematologi klinik ringkas
IM Bakta
Jakarta: EGC 24, 2006
Made. 2006
I Bakta
Hematologi klinik ringkas. Jakarta: EGC, 1-2, 0
Iron-deficiency anemia in pregnant women in Bali, Indonesia: a profile of risk factors and epidemiology
K Suega, TG Dharmayuda, IM Sutarga, IM Bakta
Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 33 (3), 604-607, 2002
Pendekatan terhadap pasien anemia
IM Bakta
Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. edisi IV, jilid II. Jakarta Pusat: Pusat …, 2006
Policy and priorities for national cancer control planning in low-and middle-income countries: Lessons from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Costs in Oncology …
N Bhoo-Pathy, CH Yip, SAE Peters, M Kimman, R Sullivan, S Jan, ...
European Journal of Cancer 74, 26-37, 2017
Correlation between clinical stage of solid tumor and D dimer as a marker of coagulation activation
K Suega, IM Bakta
Acta Med Indones 43 (3), 162-7, 2011
Anemia defisiensi besi
IM Bakta, K Suega, TG Dharmayuda
Dalam: Sudoyo AW, Setiyohadi B, Alwi I, Simadibrata M, Setiati S, penyunting …, 2015
Tourism villages’ development in Bali, mass or alternative tourism
NK Arismayanti, IM Sendra, IK Suwena, M Budiarsa, IM Bakta, IG Pitana
Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management 7 (2), 117-139, 2019
Perception of parents, teachers, and nutritionist on childhood obesity and barriers to healthy behavior: a phenomenological study
IP Suiraoka, DPP Duarsa, IDN Wirawan, IM Bakta
International Journal of Health Sciences (IJHS) 1 (2), 1-11, 2017
A health belief model-based motivational interviewing for medication adherence and treatment success in pulmonary tuberculosis patients
NM Parwati, IM Bakta, PP Januraga, IMA Wirawan
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (24), 13238, 2021
I Bakta, I Bakta
Hematologi Klinik Ringkas. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran. EGC, 0
Epidemiology Study and Mutation Profile of Patients with Chronic MyeloidLeukemia (CML) in Indonesia
AH Reksodiputro, H Tadjoedin, I Supandiman, N Acang, AS Kar, I Bakta, ...
Journal ofBlood Disorders & Transfusion, 2015
Hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap perilaku pemberantasan sarang nyamuk (PSN) sebagai pencegahan demam berdarah dengue (DBD) di Banjar Badung, desa Melinggih …
N Bakta, IM Bakta
E-Jurnal Medika Udayana 4 (6), 1-12, 2015
Buku ajar ilmu penyakit dalam
IM Bakta, K Suega, TG Dharmayuda
VI. jakarta Pusat: Interna Publishing, 2015, 2007
Peran ovisidal herbal serbuk biji pepaya matang dan albendazol terhadap daya berembrio telur cacing ascaris suum secara in vivo
IBK Ardana, IM Bakta, IM Damriyasa
Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan-Indonesian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 6 (1), 2012
Pendekatan diagnosis dan terapi pada penderita anemia
IM Bakta
Bali Health Journal 1 (1), 36-48, 2017
Various factors contributive toward tourist intention in enjoying wellness tourism
IGM Wendri, IM Bakta, NWS Suprapti, IW Ardika
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture 5 (3), 61-70, 2019
CRF01_AE dominates the HIV-1 epidemic in Indonesia
TP Merati, CE Ryan, T Spelmen, DN Wirawan, IM Bakta, B Otto, ...
Sexual health 9 (5), 414-421, 2012
Force, Support, and Endorsing Factors of Early Marriage in Adolescent Sasak (Sasak Ethnic) in Central Lombok
M Karjono, IM Bakta, INM Karmaya, D Pradnyaparamita
Journal of College and University. This is an open access article under the …, 0
Out-of-pocket payments for complementary medicine following cancer and the effect on financial outcomes in middle-income countries in southeast Asia: a prospective cohort study
YC Kong, M Kimman, SD Subramaniam, CH Yip, S Jan, S Aung, MT Khoa, ...
The Lancet Global Health 10 (3), e416-e428, 2022
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