Jill Stinson
Sex offending: Causal theories to inform research, prevention, and treatment.
JD Stinson, BD Sales, JV Becker
American Psychological Association, 2008
Self-regulation and the etiology of sexual deviance: Evaluating causal theory
JD Stinson, JV Becker, BD Sales
Violence and Victims 23 (1), 35-51, 2008
Characteristics of individuals petitioned for civil commitment
JV Becker, J Stinson, S Tromp, G Messer
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 47 (2 …, 2003
Female sexual offenders: Clinical, legal and policy issues
JV Becker, SR Hall, JD Stinson
Journal of forensic psychology practice 1 (3), 31-53, 2001
The impact of trauma on the onset of mental health symptoms, aggression, and criminal behavior in an inpatient psychiatric sample
JD Stinson, MA Quinn, JS Levenson
Child Abuse & Neglect 61, 13-22, 2016
Motivational interviewing with offenders: Engagement, rehabilitation, and reentry
JD Stinson, MD Clark
Guilford Publications, 2017
Treating sex offenders: An evidence-based manual
JD Stinson, JV Becker
Guilford Publications, 2018
Trajectories of seclusion and restraint use at a state psychiatric hospital
NC Beck, C Durrett, J Stinson, J Coleman, P Stuve, A Menditto
Psychiatric Services 59 (9), 1027-1032, 2008
Sexual offenders with serious mental illness: Prevention, risk, and clinical concerns
JD Stinson, JV Becker
International journal of law and psychiatry 34 (3), 239-245, 2011
A preliminary study on findings of psychopathy and affective disorders in adult sex offenders
JD Stinson, JV Becker, S Tromp
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 28 (6), 637-649, 2005
Assessing sexual deviance: A comparison of physiological, historical, and self-report measures
JD Stinson, JV Becker
Journal of Psychiatric Practice® 14 (6), 379-388, 2008
Adults with pedophilic interests in the United States: Current practices and suggestions for future policy and research
MP Lasher, JD Stinson
Archives of sexual behavior 46, 659-670, 2017
Impact of childhood adversity and out-of-home placement for male adolescents who have engaged in sexually abusive behavior
KL Hall, JD Stinson, MR Moser
Child maltreatment 23 (1), 63-73, 2018
Methods for understanding childhood trauma: modifying the adverse childhood experiences international questionnaire for cultural competency
M Quinn, G Caldara, K Collins, H Owens, I Ozodiegwu, E Loudermilk, ...
International journal of public health 63, 149-151, 2018
Self-regulatory deficits as predictors of sexual, aggressive, and self-harm behaviors in a psychiatric sex offender population
JD Stinson, SB Robbins, CW Crow
Criminal Justice and Behavior 38 (9), 885-895, 2011
Pathways to delinquent and sex offending behavior: The role of childhood adversity and environmental context in a treatment sample of male adolescents
KL Puszkiewicz, JD Stinson
Child abuse & neglect 98, 104184, 2019
Characteristics of people with intellectual disabilities in a secure US forensic hospital
JD Stinson, SB Robbins
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities 7 (4), 337-358, 2014
Pedophilic disorder
JD Stinson, JV Becker
Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments and management, 15-27, 2016
Treatment progress and behavior following 2 years of inpatient sex offender treatment: A pilot investigation of safe offender strategies
JD Stinson, JV Becker, LA McVay
Sexual Abuse 29 (1), 3-27, 2017
Adverse childhood experiences and the onset of aggression and criminality in a forensic inpatient sample
JD Stinson, MA Quinn, AA Menditto, CC LeMay
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 20 (4), 374-385, 2021
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