Generation capacity expansion in liberalized electricity markets: A stochastic MPEC approach S Wogrin, E Centeno, J Barquín IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26 (4), 2526-2532, 2011 | 166 | 2011 |
Enhanced representative days and system states modeling for energy storage investment analysis DA Tejada-Arango, M Domeshek, S Wogrin, E Centeno IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (6), 6534-6544, 2018 | 141 | 2018 |
Medium-term generation programming in competitive environments: a new optimisation approach for market equilibrium computing J Barquin, E Centeno, J Reneses IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 151 (1), 119-126, 2004 | 130 | 2004 |
Open versus closed loop capacity equilibria in electricity markets under perfect and oligopolistic competition S Wogrin, BF Hobbs, D Ralph, E Centeno, J Barquin Mathematical Programming 140, 295-322, 2013 | 111 | 2013 |
Capacity expansion equilibria in liberalized electricity markets: an EPEC approach S Wogrin, J Barquín, E Centeno IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (2), 1531-1539, 2012 | 109 | 2012 |
Strategic analysis of electricity markets under uncertainty: A conjectured-price-response approach E Centeno, J Reneses, J Barquin IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22 (1), 423-432, 2007 | 97 | 2007 |
Power-based generation expansion planning for flexibility requirements DA Tejada-Arango, G Morales-España, S Wogrin, E Centeno IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (3), 2012-2023, 2019 | 77 | 2019 |
The dark side of energy poverty: Who is underconsuming in Spain and why? R Barrella, JC Romero, JI Linares, E Arenas, M Asín, E Centeno Energy Research & Social Science 86, 102428, 2022 | 65 | 2022 |
Coordination between medium-term generation planning and short-term operation in electricity markets J Reneses, E Centeno, J Barquin IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 21 (1), 43-52, 2006 | 52 | 2006 |
Does cash money solve energy poverty? Assessing the impact of household heating allowances in Spain R Barrella, JI Linares, JC Romero, E Arenas, E Centeno Energy Research & Social Science 80, 102216, 2021 | 48 | 2021 |
Generation capacity expansion analysis: Open loop approximation of closed loop equilibria S Wogrin, E Centeno, J Barquin IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (3), 3362-3371, 2013 | 45 | 2013 |
Stochastic market equilibrium model for generation planning J Barquin, E Centeno, J Reneses Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 19 (4), 533-546, 2005 | 45 | 2005 |
Long-term market equilibrium modeling for generation expansion planning E Centeno, J Reneses, R García, JJ Sánchez 2003 IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference Proceedings, 1, 7 pp. Vol. 1, 2003 | 45 | 2003 |
Impact of the Kyoto Protocol on the Iberian Electricity Market: A scenario analysis J Reneses, E Centeno Energy Policy 36 (7), 2376-2384, 2008 | 37 | 2008 |
System Dynamics models for generation expansion planning in a competitive framework: oligopoly and market power representation JJ Sánchez, J Barquin, E Centeno, A Lopez-Pena Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of the System Dynamic …, 2007 | 34 | 2007 |
Representation of storage operations in network-constrained optimization models for medium-and long-term operation DA Tejada-Arango, S Wogrin, E Centeno IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (1), 386-396, 2017 | 31 | 2017 |
Dynamics in forward and spot electricity markets JJ Sanchez, DW Bunn, E Centeno, JÁ Barquin IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 24 (2), 582-591, 2009 | 27 | 2009 |
A multidisciplinary approach to model long-term investments in electricity generation: Combining system dynamics, credit risk theory and game theory JJ Sánchez, J Barquín, E Centeno, A López-Peña 2008 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting-Conversion and Delivery …, 2008 | 24 | 2008 |
SGO: Management information system for strategic bidding in electrical markets J Villar, A Muñoz, EF Sánchez-Úbeda, A Mateo, M Casado, A Campos, ... 2001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Proceedings (Cat. No. 01EX502) 1, 6 pp. vol. 1, 2001 | 23 | 2001 |
Opportunity cost including short-term energy storage in hydrothermal dispatch models using a linked representative periods approach DA Tejada-Arango, S Wogrin, AS Siddiqui, E Centeno Energy 188, 116079, 2019 | 21 | 2019 |