Erik Laes
Erik Laes
postdoctoral researcher, TUEindhoven
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A comparison of energy transition governance in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
E Laes, L Gorissen, F Nevens
Sustainability 6 (3), 1129-1152, 2014
Short-rotation coppice of willow for phytoremediation of a metal-contaminated agricultural area: a sustainability assessment
N Witters, S Van Slycken, A Ruttens, K Adriaensen, E Meers, ...
BioEnergy Research 2, 144-152, 2009
Assessing the success of electricity demand response programs: A meta-analysis
A Srivastava, S Van Passel, E Laes
Energy research & social science 40, 110-117, 2018
Greenhouse gas emissions in the nuclear life cycle: A balanced appraisal
J Beerten, E Laes, G Meskens, W D’haeseleer
Energy Policy 37 (12), 5056-5068, 2009
Assessment of the actual sustainability of nuclear fission power
A Verbruggen, E Laes, S Lemmens
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 32, 16-28, 2014
Fostering residential demand response through dynamic pricing schemes: A behavioural review of smart grid pilots in Europe
K Kessels, C Kraan, L Karg, S Maggiore, P Valkering, E Laes
Sustainability 8 (9), 929, 2016
What do energy modellers know? An ethnography of epistemic values and knowledge models
A Silvast, E Laes, S Abram, G Bombaerts
Energy Research & Social Science 66, 101495, 2020
Anatomy of emissions trading systems: what is the EU ETS?
A Verbruggen, E Laes, E Woerdman
Environmental science & policy 98, 11-19, 2019
On the contribution of external cost calculations to energy system governance: The case of a potential large-scale nuclear accident
E Laes, G Meskens, JP van der Sluijs
Energy Policy 39 (9), 5664-5673, 2011
Transforming innovation for decarbonisation? Insights from combining complex systems and social practice perspectives
N Labanca, ÂG Pereira, M Watson, K Krieger, D Padovan, L Watts, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 65, 101452, 2020
Engineering students as co-creators in an ethics of technology course
G Bombaerts, K Doulougeri, S Tsui, E Laes, A Spahn, DA Martin
Science and engineering ethics 27 (4), 48, 2021
How do policies help to increase the uptake of carbon reduction measures in the EU residential sector? Evidence from recent studies
E Laes, I Mayeres, N Renders, P Valkering, S Verbeke
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94, 234-250, 2018
Sustainability assessment of nuclear power: Discourse analysis of IAEA and IPCC frameworks
A Verbruggen, E Laes
Environmental Science & Policy 51, 170-180, 2015
Reducing winter peaks in electricity consumption: A choice experiment to structure demand response programs
A Srivastava, S Van Passel, R Kessels, P Valkering, E Laes
Energy Policy 137, 111183, 2020
Public participation processes related to nuclear research installations: What are the driving factors behind participation intention?
C Turcanu, T Perko, E Laes
Public Understanding of Science 23 (3), 331-347, 2014
Multi-criteria group decision support with linguistic variables in long-term scenarios for belgian energy policy
D Ruan, J Lu, E Laes, G Zhang, J Ma, G Meskens
Early European experience with tradable green certificates neglected by EU ETS architects
A Verbruggen, E Laes
Environmental Science & Policy 119, 66-71, 2021
Dissecting demand response: A quantile analysis of flexibility, household attitudes, and demographics
A Srivastava, S Van Passel, E Laes
Energy Research & Social Science 52, 169-180, 2019
Energy communities and the tensions between neoliberalism and communitarianism
E Laes, G Bombaerts
Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (1), 3, 2022
Probing the usefulness of technology-rich bottom-up models in energy and climate policies: Lessons learned from the Forum project
E Laes, J Couder
Futures 63, 123-133, 2014
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