David L. Rogowski
David L. Rogowski
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Assessment of Potential Impacts of Exotic Species on Populations of a Threatened Species, White Sands Pupfish, Cyprinodon tularosa
DL Rogowski, CA Stockwell
Biological Invasions 8, 79-87, 2006
Do non‐native invasive fish support elevated lamprey populations?
R Inger, RA McDonald, D Rogowski, AL Jackson, A Parnell, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 47 (1), 121-129, 2010
Lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis and Lampetra planeri) ammocoete habitat associations at regional, catchment and microhabitat scales in Northern Ireland
CE Goodwin, JTA Dick, DL Rogowski, RW Elwood
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 17 (4), 542-553, 2008
Parasites and salinity: costly tradeoffs in a threatened species
DL Rogowski, CA Stockwell
Oecologia 146, 615-622, 2006
Contaminant concentrations in Asian carps, invasive species in the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers
DL Rogowski, DJ Soucek, JM Levengood, SR Johnson, JH Chick, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 157, 211-222, 2009
Optimising control of invasive crayfish using life-history information.
DL Rogowski, S Sitko, SA Bonar
Freshwater Biology 58 (6), 2013
Square pegs in round holes—the implications of shell shape variation on the translocation of adult Margaritifera margaritifera (L.)
SJ Preston, A Harrison, M Lundy, D Roberts, N Beddoe, D Rogowski
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and freshwater ecosystems 20 (5), 568-573, 2010
Humpback Chub (Gila cypha) range expansion in the western Grand Canyon
DL Rogowski, RJ Osterhoudt, HE Mohn, JK Boyer
Western North American Naturalist 78 (1), 26-38, 2018
Egg predation and parasite prevalence in the invasive freshwater snail, Melanoides tuberculata (Müller, 1774) in a west Texas spring system
HLA Ladd, DL Rogowski
Aquatic Invasions 7 (2), 287-290, 2012
Economic value of angling on the Colorado River at Lees Ferry: using secondary data to estimate the influence of seasonality
LS Bair, DL Rogowski, C Neher
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36 (6), 1229-1239, 2016
Typical dioxin concentrations in agriculture soils of Washington State and potential sources
DL Rogowski, W Yake
Environmental science & technology 39 (14), 5170-5176, 2005
Use and apparent partitioning of habitat by an imperiled springsnail (Hydrobiidae) and a cosmopolitan pond snail (Physidae)
MA Martinez, DL Rogowski
The Southwestern Naturalist 56 (2), 216-223, 2011
Fish habitat associations in a spatially variable desert stream
DL Rogowski, H Reiser, CA Stockwell
Journal of Fish Biology 68 (5), 1473-1483, 2006
Colorado River fish monitoring in Grand Canyon, Arizona—2018 annual report
DL Rogowski, JK Boyer
Arizona Game and Fish Department, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research …, 2019
Effects of increased temperature on a Trichoptera (Hydropsychidae) from premontane forest streams in Southern Costa Rica
DL Rogowski, KR Stewart
Tropical Ecology 57 (1), 57-68, 2016
Habitat use by the fishes of a southwestern desert stream: Cherry Creek, Arizona
SA Bonar, N Mercado-Silva, D Rogowski
US Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit …, 2010
Status of the Lees Ferry Rainbow Trout fishery: 2014 annual report
DL Rogowski, PN Wolters, RJ Osterhoudt
Arizona Game and Fish Department, Colorado River Research Office …, 2015
Screening survey for metals and dioxins in fertilizer products and soils in Washington State
D Rogowski, S Golding, D Bowhay, S Singleton
Washington State Department of Ecology, Publication, 1999
Colorado River Fish Monitoring in the Grand Canyon, Arizona-2017 Annual Report
JK Boyer, DL Rogowski
Research Branch, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix Arizona, 2018
Status of the Lees Ferry Rainbow Trout fishery
DL Rogowski, LK Winters, PN Wolters, KM Manuell
2014 annual report. Reported prepared by the Arizona Game and Fish …, 2015
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