MinJoo Sim
MinJoo Sim
Hansung University
在 hansung.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Optimized implementation of SM4 on AVR microcontrollers, RISC-V processors, and ARM processors
H Kwon, H Kim, S Eum, M Sim, H Kim, WK Lee, Z Hu, H Seo
IEEE Access 10, 80225-80233, 2022
SPEEDY quantum circuit for Grover’s algorithm
G Song, K Jang, H Kim, S Eum, M Sim, H Kim, W Lee, H Seo
Applied Sciences 12 (14), 6870, 2022
K-XMSS and K-SPHINCS:Hash based Signatures with\\Korean Cryptography Algorithms
M Sim, S Eum, G Song, HD Kwon, K Jang, H Kim, HJ Kim, Y Yang, W Kim, ...
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2022
Masked implementation of PIPO block cipher on 8-bit AVR microcontrollers
H Kim, M Sim, S Eum, K Jang, G Song, H Kim, H Kwon, WK Lee, H Seo
International Conference on Information Security Applications, 171-182, 2021
Optimized implementation of block cipher PIPO in parallel-way on 64-bit ARM processors
SW Eum, HD Kwon, HJ Kim, KB Jang, HJ Kim, JH Park, GJ Song, MJ Sim, ...
KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems 10 (8), 223-230, 2021
Novel approach to cryptography implementation using chatgpt
H Kwon, M Sim, G Song, M Lee, H Seo
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2023
Generative adversarial networks-based pseudo-random number generator for embedded processors
H Kim, Y Kwon, M Sim, S Lim, H Seo
Information Security and Cryptology–ICISC 2020: 23rd International …, 2021
Parallel Implementations of ARIA on ARM Processors and Graphics Processing Unit
S Eum, H Kim, H Kwon, M Sim, G Song, H Seo
Applied Sciences 12 (23), 12246, 2022
Compact implementation of ARIA on 16-bit MSP430 and 32-bit ARM cortex-M3 microcontrollers
H Seo, H Kim, K Jang, H Kwon, M Sim, G Song, S Uhm
Electronics 10 (8), 908, 2021
Look-up the rainbow: efficient table-based parallel implementation of rainbow signature on 64-bit ARMv8 processors
H Kwon, H Kim, M Sim, WK Lee, H Seo
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2021
The blockchain delivery system for secure privacy with QR code and smart glasses
SJ Choi, MJ Sim, HJ Seo
Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering …, 2020
K-XMSS and K-SPHINCS+: Enhancing Security in Next-Generation Mobile Communication and Internet Systems with Hash Based Signatures Using Korean …
M Sim, S Eum, G Song, Y Yang, W Kim, H Seo
Sensors 23 (17), 7558, 2023
Evaluating kpqc algorithm submissions: Balanced and clean benchmarking approach
H Kwon, M Sim, G Song, M Lee, H Seo
International Conference on Information Security Applications, 338-348, 2023
Optimized implementation of encapsulation and decapsulation of Classic McEliece on ARMv8
M Sim, S Eum, H Kwon, H Kim, H Seo
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2022
Masked implementation of format preserving encryption on low-end AVR microcontrollers and high-end ARM processors
H Kim, M Sim, K Jang, H Kwon, S Uhm, H Seo
Mathematics 9 (11), 1294, 2021
SPEEDY on Cortex–M3: efficient software implementation of SPEEDY on ARM Cortex–M3
H Kim, K Jang, G Song, M Sim, S Eum, H Kim, H Kwon, WK Lee, H Seo
International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, 434-444, 2021
ARMed Frodo: FrodoKEM on 64-Bit ARMv8 Processors
H Kwon, K Jang, H Kim, H Kim, M Sim, S Eum, WK Lee, H Seo
International Conference on Information Security Applications, 206-217, 2021
NTT and Inverse NTT Quantum Circuits in CRYSTALS-Kyber for Post-Quantum Security Evaluation
G Song, K Jang, S Eum, M Sim, H Seo
Applied Sciences 13 (18), 10373, 2023
Efficient Implementation of the Classic McEliece on ARMv8 Processors
M Sim, H Kwon, S Eum, G Song, M Lee, H Seo
International Conference on Information Security Applications, 324-337, 2023
ARMing-sword: scabbard on ARM
H Kwon, H Kim, M Sim, S Eum, M Lee, WK Lee, H Seo
International Conference on Information Security Applications, 237-250, 2022
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