Optimization methods for the insertion, protection, and detection of digital watermarks in digital data

SA Moskowitz - US Patent 7,822,197, 2010 - Google Patents
3,947,825 A 3, 1976 Cassada 3,984,624 A 10/1976 Waggener 3,986,624 A 10/1976 Cates,
Jr. et al. 4,038,596 A T. 1977 Lee 4,200,770 A 4, 1980 Hellman et al. 4,218,582 A 8, 1980 …

Optimization methods for the insertion, protection, and detection of digital watermarks in digital data

S Moskowitz - US Patent App. 11/899,662, 2008 - Google Patents
Disclosed herein are methods and systems for encoding digital watermarks into content
signals. Also disclosed are systems and methods for detecting and/or verifying digital …

Optimization methods for the insertion, protection, and detection of digital watermarks in digital data

SA Moskowitz - US Patent 7,822,197, 2010 - freepatentsonline.com
Disclosed herein are methods and systems for encoding digital watermarks into content
signals. Also disclosed are systems and methods for detecting and/or verifying digital …

Optimization methods for the insertion, protection, and detection of digital watermarks in digital data

SA Moskowitz - US Patent App. 11/899,662, 2008 - freepatentsonline.com
Disclosed herein are methods and systems for encoding digital watermarks into content
signals. Also disclosed are systems and methods for detecting and/or verifying digital …