Integration of semantic context information

NB Coccaro, PA Nguyen - US Patent 9,558,743, 2017 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND Computer-based speech recognition techniques have used local contexts
(eg, previous 2 words uttered by a user) to predict a next word that a user is going to say. For …

Integration of semantic context information

NB Coccaro, PAP Nguyen - US Patent App. 13/863,505, 2014 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND 0003 Computer-based speech recognition techniques have used local
contexts (eg, previous 2 words uttered by a user) to predict a next word that a user is going …

Integration of semantic context information

NB Coccaro, PA Nguyen - US Patent 9,558,743, 2017 -
In one implementation, a computer-implemented method includes receiving, at a computer
system, a request to predict a next word in a dialog being uttered by a speaker; accessing …


NB Coccaro, PAP Nguyen - US Patent App. 13/863,505, 2014 -
In one implementation, a computer-implemented method includes receiving, at a computer
system, a request to predict a next word in a dialog being uttered by a speaker; accessing …