Simultaneous linear‐quadratic optimal control design via static output feedback

J Lam, YY Cao - International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear …, 1999 - Wiley Online Library
In this paper, the problem of designing a fixed static output feedback control law which
minimizes an upper bound on linear quadratic (LQ) performance measures for r distinct …

Static output feedback simultaneous stabilization: ILMI approach

YY Cao, YX Sun - International journal of control, 1998 - Taylor & Francis
In this note, the static output feedback simultaneous stabilization problem is addressed
using a matrix inequality approach. A necessary and sufficient condition for simultaneous …

Optimization of static output feedback using substitutive LMI formulation

A Fujimori - IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2004 -
This note proposes a new design tool for optimizing static output feedback using a linear
matrix inequality (LMI) formula called substitutive LMI. A matrix inequality derived from static …

The XY-centring algorithm for the dual LMI problem: a new approach to fixed-order control design

T Iwasaki, RE Skelton - International Journal of Control, 1995 - Taylor & Francis
Many fixed-order suboptimal control problems with stability, performance and robustness
specifications can be reduced to a search for a matrix X> 0 satisfying a linear matrix …

A computational method for simultaneous LQ optimal control design via piecewise constant output feedback

YY Cho, J Lam - IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and …, 2001 -
The paper is concerned with simultaneous linear-quadratic (LQ) optimal control design for a
set of LTI systems via piecewise constant output feedback. First, the discrete-time …

Multi‐input and multi‐output proportional‐integral‐derivative controller design via linear quadratic regulator‐linear matrix inequality approach

JK Pradhan, A Ghosh - IET Control Theory & Applications, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
This study considers the problem of designing a multi‐input and multi‐output (MIMO)
proportional‐integral‐derivative (PID) controller via direct optimal or suboptimal linear …

Linear quadratic suboptimal control with static output feedback

T Iwasaki, RE Skelton, JC Geromel - Systems & Control Letters, 1994 - Elsevier
This paper considers the design of a stabilizing static output feedback gain which keeps
linear quadratic (LQ) performance index less than a specified number (we call this an 'LQ …

Linear-quadratic simultaneous performance design

RA Luke, P Dorato, CT Abdallah - Proceedings of the 1997 …, 1997 -
Linear-Quadratic Simultaneous Performance Design - Control Conference, 1997. Proceedings
of the 1997 American Page 1 Proceedings of the American Control Conference Albuquerque …

Simultaneous stabilization via static output feedback and state feedback

YY Cao, YX Sun, J Lam - IEEE Transactions on Automatic …, 1999 -
In this paper, the simultaneous stabilization problem is considered using the matrix
inequality approach. Some necessary and sufficient conditions for simultaneous …

L1 synthesis of a static output controller for positive systems by LMI iteration

M Saeki - International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
An approach to find a static output feedback gain that makes the feedback system positive
and minimizes the L 1 gain is proposed. The problem of finding a static output feedback gain …