Healthy aging and age-adjusted nutrition and physical fitness

M Hammar, CJ Östgren - Best practice & research Clinical obstetrics & …, 2013 - Elsevier
Expected life span is gradually increasing worldwide. Healthy dietary and exercise habits
contribute to healthy ageing. Certain types of diet can prevent or reduce obesity, and may …

Lifestyle and diet in postmenopausal women

A Pines - Climacteric, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
Diet and nutritional habits have a pivotal role in maintaining human health. Unhealthy
eating, obesity and nutritional deficiencies may lead to various diseases. However, a most …

Physical activity, body composition and healthy ageing

AJ Schuit - Science & Sports, 2006 - Elsevier
AIMS: To apprehend the interest of a lifestyle adapted in order to minimize the effects of
ageing. CURRENT KNOWLEDGE: During the last century life expectancy increased rapidly …

Obesity in midlife: lifestyle and dietary strategies

S Khandelwal - Climacteric, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
As the rate of obesity increases globally, so does the incidence of other non-communicable
diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and …

Improvement of physical fitness as anti-aging intervention

MJC Garzón, FBO Porcel, JR Ruiz - Medicina clinica, 2005 -
Several recent important studies have clearly shown that a low physical fitness represents a
potent risk factor and even a predictor of both cardiovascular and all-causes morbidity and …

Functional foods and physical activities in health promotion of aging people

CKB Ferrari - Maturitas, 2007 - Elsevier
Foods contain many bioactive compounds that can improve humans' health, helping to
decrease the risk of cataract, macular degeneration, cardiovascular and neurological …

Role of exercise and nutrition in menopause

AR Hagey, MP Warren - Clinical obstetrics and gynecology, 2008 -
Menopause and the aging process itself cause many physiologic changes, which explain
the increased prevalence of chronic diseases observed in postmenopausal women …

Overview of the physiological changes and optimal diet in the golden age generation over 50

D Gille - European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 2010 - Springer
Basically, our lifespan is determined genetically. However, several other parameters such as
the environment, lifestyle and diet have a high impact on living in the best of health. Many …

Opinion paper: Exercise for healthy aging

RU Erkkola, T Vasankari, RA Erkkola - Maturitas, 2021 - Elsevier
The physical demands of daily life in developed countries have decreased remarkably
during the last two centuries. General leisure time has increased and the age at retirement …

Physical activity and diet in older women: a narrative review

AV Mattioli, V Selleri, G Zanini, M Nasi, M Pinti… - Journal of Clinical …, 2022 -
Physical activity and diet are essential for maintaining good health and preventing the
development of non-communicable diseases, especially in the older adults. One aspect that …