Highly tunable second-harmonic generation in all-optically poled silicon nitride waveguides

E Nitiss, O Yakar, A Stroganov, CS Brès - Optics Letters, 2020 - opg.optica.org
… the pump wavelength used during poling, owing to the highly flexible and reconfigurable
nature of the underlying physical principle. We show a broad tunability over the entire C-band, …

Broadband 200-nm second-harmonic generation in silicon in the telecom band

N Singh, M Raval, A Ruocco, MR Watts - Light: Science & Applications, 2020 - nature.com
… a tunablebroader SHG can increase the carrier–envelope offset frequency (f ceo ) signal
strength for photodetection, as a broader second-harmonic signal can overlap with a broader

Entangled Photon Pair Sources Based on Periodically Poled Silica Fiber

C Chen - 2022 - search.proquest.com
… entanglement quality and broad emission bandwidth, while the … in high power second-harmonic
generation (SHG) instead of … By sweeping the wavelengths of the tunable laser, we may …

Effect of fiber stretch on quasi-phase-matching for second-harmonic generation in thermally poled twin-hole silica-glass fiber

T Mizunami, R Sasaki, T Kimura - Thin Solid Films, 2016 - Elsevier
… 9 varied from 1000 to 4000 με FWHM, and that of sample 5 is broader. These values are
almost of the same order of the theoretical value. The distributions in the acceptance strains are …

Deep-ultraviolet second-harmonic generation by combined degenerate four-wave mixing and surface nonlinearity polarization in photonic crystal fiber

J Yuan, Z Kang, F Li, G Zhou, X Zhang, C Mei… - Scientific reports, 2017 - nature.com
… by degenerate FWM process are tunable from 669 to 612 nm. … with silicon-based waveguides,
the SHG in optical fibers is … generate the SHs within a broader wavelength range in such …

Cryogenic second-harmonic generation in periodically poled lithium niobate waveguides

M Bartnick, M Santandrea, JP Höpker, F Thiele… - Physical Review …, 2021 - APS
second-harmonic generation in a fiber-coupled periodically … We pump the nonlinear waveguide
with a tunable narrow-band cw … consisting of seven equally broad plateaus of height ci. …

[HTML][HTML] Generation of second harmonic at wide conversion band in GRIN multimode fibers

M Jonard, Y Arosa, A Tonello, T Mansuryan… - Optics …, 2024 - Elsevier
… to second harmonic generation in multimode fibers. … to the broad generation of the second
harmonic in GRIN fibers. … in multimode fibers by exploring the generation of tunable spectral …

Demonstration of a polarization-frequency hyperentangled photon pair source based on periodically poled silica fiber

HYC Xu - 2023 - search.proquest.com
… Therefore, one can generate broadband polarization-… is characterized by taking a
second-harmonic generation (SHG) … in Figure 2.3 with a pair of tunable frequency filters (top hat …

Second-harmonic generation of second-order modes in thermally poled double-anode optical fibers

L Huang, G Ren, Y Gao, B Zhu - JOSA B, 2017 - opg.optica.org
… in anode-cathode poling silica fiber to determine the optimal … for two-wavelength generation
in a single poled fiber, and when … in tunable SHG poled fiber [10] or in broadband SHG poled

Difference-frequency generation in optically poled silicon nitride waveguides

E Sahin, B Zabelich, O Yakar, E Nitiss, J Liu… - …, 2021 - degruyter.com
… processes, such as second-harmonic generation, were previously … A broader range of
nonlinear optical operations in the … For poling, we used a tunable wavelength source operating …