Principle and Pragmatism in Public Law: Sir David Williams Lecture 2019

L Hale - Judicial Review, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
1. It is such a pleasure as well as a privilege to be giving this lecture in memory of Sir David
Williams–a great academic and author, a great teacher and a great university leader, but …

The pragmatist tradition: lessons for legal theorists

S Haack - Wash. UL Rev., 2017 - HeinOnline
As you probably noticed, my title is ambiguous--deliberately so, because my purpose here is
twofold: to teach legal theorists something of the pragmatist tradition in philosophy, its …

Pragmatism without Politics

N Duxbury - 1992 - JSTOR
As with the study of any branch of law, the study of jurisprudence is very much an exercise in
charting change in the meaning of concepts.'Progress is essentially a matter of old themes …

Law's pragmatism: Law as practice and narrative

DM Patterson - Va. L. Rev., 1990 - HeinOnline
INTRODUCTION THE demise of foundationalism, the attempt to find an indubitable ground
for claims to knowledge and truth, has been both charted and heralded. 2 Among the views …

On Legal Pragmatism: Where Does" The Path of the Law" Lead Us?

S Haack - Am. J. Juris., 2005 - HeinOnline
When I think... of the law, I see a princess mightier than she who once wrought at Bayeux,
eternally weaving into her web dim figures of the ever-lengthening past,—figures too dim to …

What's Pragmatic About Legal Pragmatism?

D Luban - Cardozo Law Review, 1996 -
Does legal pragmatism have anything at all to do with pragmatism? Both Thomas Grey and
Richard Posner suggest that in important respects the answer is no. Grey tells us that even a …

What has pragmatism to offer law

RA Posner - S. Cal. L. Rev., 1989 - HeinOnline
The pragmatic movement gave legal realism such intellectual shape and content as it had.
Then pragmatism died (or merged into other philosophical movements and lost its separate …

Pragmatic Reconstruction in Jurisprudence: Features of a Realistic Legal Theory

BZ Tamanaha - Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence, 2021 -
A century ago the pragmatists called for reconstruction in philosophy. Philosophy at the time
was occupied with conceptual analysis, abstractions, a priori analysis, and the pursuit of …

Can Pragmatism Overcome the Impasse in Contemporary Legal Theory?

M Jenkins - Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence, 2002 -
In recent years, there has been a renewed interested in examining the nature of legal theory
and finding ways to resolve impasses that may exist in contemporary legal theory. One …

What's Private about Private Law?

W Lucy - 2009 -
When lawyers turn to other disciplines in the social sciences and humanities for guidance,
they usually do so in pragmatic spirit: they want answers to particular difficult questions. This …