Pharmacology of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid

J Liu - Journal of ethnopharmacology, 1995 - Elsevier
Oleanolic acid and ursolic acid are triterpenoid compounds that exist widely in food,
medicinal herbs and other plants. This review summarizes the pharmacological studies on …

[引用][C] Pharmacology of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid

J LIU - Journal of ethnopharmacology, 1995 -
Pharmacology of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS Pascal
and Francis Bibliographic Databases Simple search Advanced search Search by …

[PDF][PDF] Pharmacology of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid

J Liu - Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 1995 -
Oleanolic acid and ursolic acid are triterpenoid compounds that exist widely in food,
medicinal herbs and other plants. This review summarizes the pharmacological studies on …

Pharmacology of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid

L Jie - Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 1995 -
Oleanolic acid and ursolic acid are triterpenoid compounds that exist widely in food,
medicinal herbs and other plants. This review summarizes the pharmacological studies on …

Pharmacology of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid

J Liu - Journal of ethnopharmacology, 1995 -
Oleanolic acid and ursolic acid are triterpenoid compounds that exist widely in food,
medicinal herbs and other plants. This review summarizes the pharmacological studies on …

[PDF][PDF] Pharmacology of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid

J Liu - Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 1995 - Citeseer
Oleanolic acid and ursolic acid are triterpenoid compounds that exist widely in food,
medicinal herbs and other plants. This review summarizes the pharmacological studies on …

Pharmacology of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid.

J Liu - Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 1995 -
Oleanolic acid and ursolic acid are triterpenoid compounds that exist widely in food,
medicinal herbs and other plants. This review summarizes the pharmacological studies on …

[引用][C] Pharmacology of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid

J LIU - J. Ethnopharmacol., 1995 -

[引用][C] Pharmacology of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid

J Liu - Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 1995 -
Pharmacology of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術
情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データをさがす 大学図書館の本を …

[引用][C] Pharmacology of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid

J LIU - Journal of ethnopharmacology, 1995 - Elsevier