[PDF][PDF] AVOIDIT: A cyber attack taxonomy

C Simmons, C Ellis, S Shiva, D Dasgupta, Q Wu - researchgate.net
Cyber attacks have greatly increased over the years, where the attackers have progressively
improved in devising attacks towards a specific target. To aid in identifying and defending …

[PDF][PDF] AVOIDIT: A Cyber Attack Taxonomy

C Simmons, C Ellis, S Shiva, D Dasgupta, Q Wu - nsarchive.gwu.edu
Cyber attacks have greatly increased over the years, where the attackers have progressively
improved in devising attacks towards a specific target. To aid in identifying and defending …

[PDF][PDF] AVOIDIT: A Cyber Attack Taxonomy

C Simmons, C Ellis, S Shiva, D Dasgupta, Q Wu - Citeseer
Cyber attacks have greatly increased over the years, where the attackers have progressively
improved in devising attacks towards a specific target. To aid in identifying and defending …