Complications of decompressive craniectomy for traumatic brain injury

SI Stiver - Neurosurgical focus, 2009 -
Decompressive craniectomy is widely used to treat intracranial hypertension following
traumatic brain injury (TBI). Two randomized trials are currently underway to further evaluate …

Complications of decompressive craniectomy for traumatic brain injury.

SI Stiver - Neurosurgical Focus, 2009 -
Decompressive craniectomy is widely used to treat intracranial hypertension following
traumatic brain injury (TBI). Two randomized trials are currently underway to further evaluate …

Complications of decompressive craniectomy for traumatic brain injury

SI Stiver - Neurosurgical focus, 2009 -
Decompressive craniectomy is widely used to treat intracranial hypertension following
traumatic brain injury (TBI). Two randomized trials are currently underway to further evaluate …

Complications of decompressive craniectomy for traumatic brain injury

SI Stiver - Neurosurgical Focus, 2009 -
抄録< jats: p> Decompressive craniectomy is widely used to treat intracranial hypertension
following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Two randomized trials are currently underway to further …

[引用][C] Complications of decompressive craniectomy for traumatic brain injury

S SI - Neurosurg Focus, 2009 -
Complications of decompressive craniectomy for traumatic brain injury | CiNii Research
CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データを …