Extended one-time password method and apparatus

E Bychkov - US Patent 8,132,243, 2012 - Google Patents
Such users need to authenticate themselves. The most known and commonly-used method
for user authentication is based on entering a username and a password. With the growing …

Extended one-time password method and apparatus

E Bychkov - US Patent 8,132,243, 2012 - freepatentsonline.com
An OTP token for facilitating the authorizing of a client workstation to conduct a session with
a server over the Internet is disclosed. Information at least partially identifying the server is …

Extended one-time password method and apparatus

E Bychkov - US Patent App. 11/502,466, 2007 - Google Patents
An OTP token for facilitating the authorizing of a client workstation to conduct a session with
a server over the Internet is disclosed. Information at least partially identifying the server is …

Extended one-time password method and apparatus

E Bychkov - US Patent App. 11/502,466, 2007 - freepatentsonline.com
An OTP token for facilitating the authorizing of a client workstation to conduct a session with
a server over the Internet is disclosed. Information at least partially identifying the server is …