Life cycle assessment of domestic and agricultural rainwater harvesting systems

SR Ghimire, JM Johnston, WW Ingwersen… - … science & technology, 2014 - ACS Publications
To further understanding of the environmental implications of rainwater harvesting and its
water savings potential relative to conventional US water delivery infrastructure, we present …

Life cycle assessment of domestic and agricultural rainwater harvesting systems

SR Ghimire, JM Johnston, WW Ingwersen… - … Science & Technology, 2014 -
To further understanding of the environmental implications of rainwater harvesting and its
water savings potential relative to conventional US water delivery infrastructure, we present …

[PDF][PDF] Life Cycle Assessment of Domestic and Agricultural Rainwater Harvesting Systems

SR Ghimire, JM Johnston, WW Ingwersen… - perspective, 2014 -
To further understanding of the environmental implications of rainwater harvesting and its
water savings potential relative to conventional US water delivery infrastructure, we present …

Life cycle assessment of domestic and agricultural rainwater harvesting systems.

SR Ghimire, JM Johnston, WW Ingwersen… - Environmental …, 2014 -
To further understanding of the environmental implications of rainwater harvesting and its
water savings potential relative to conventional US water delivery infrastructure, we present …

[引用][C] Life Cycle Assessment of Domestic and Agricultural Rainwater Harvesting Systems

SR GHIMIRE, JM JOHNSTON… - Environmental …, 2014 -
Life Cycle Assessment of Domestic and Agricultural Rainwater Harvesting Systems CNRS Inist
Pascal-Francis CNRS Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases Simple search Advanced …

[引用][C] Life Cycle Assessment of Domestic and Agricultural Rainwater Harvesting Systems

SR Ghimire, JM Johnston… - Environmental …, 2014 -
Life Cycle Assessment of Domestic and Agricultural Rainwater Harvesting Systems - NASA/ADS
Now on home page ads icon ads Enable full ADS view NASA/ADS Life Cycle Assessment …

Life cycle assessment of domestic and agricultural rainwater harvesting systems

SR Ghimire, JM Johnston… - Environmental …, 2014 -
To further understanding of the environmental implications of rainwater harvesting and its
water savings potential relative to conventional US water delivery infrastructure, we present …

[PDF][PDF] Life Cycle Assessment of Domestic and Agricultural Rainwater Harvesting Systems

SR Ghimire, JM Johnston, WW Ingwersen, TR Hawkins - pstorage-acs-6854636.s3 …
S1 SUPPORTING INFORMATION Title: Life Cycle Assessment of Domestic and Agricultural
Rainwater Harvesting Systems Santosh R. Ghi Page 1 S1 SUPPORTING INFORMATION Title: Life …

[PDF][PDF] Life Cycle Assessment of Domestic and Agricultural Rainwater Harvesting Systems

SR Ghimire, JM Johnston, WW Ingwersen… - perspective, 2014 -
To further understanding of the environmental implications of rainwater harvesting and its
water savings potential relative to conventional US water delivery infrastructure, we present …

[引用][C] Life Cycle Assessment of Domestic and Agricultural Rainwater Harvesting Systems

SR GHIMIRE, JM JOHNSTON… - Environmental …, 2014 - American Chemical Society