Distinct roles of neuronal and microglial CB2 cannabinoid receptors in the mouse hippocampus

Y Li, J Kim - Neuroscience, 2017 - Elsevier
The effects of cannabinoids are primarily mediated by type-1 cannabinoid receptors in the
brain and type-2 cannabinoid receptors (CB2Rs) in the peripheral immune system …

Distinct roles of neuronal and microglial CB2 cannabinoid receptors in the mouse hippocampus

Y Li, J Kim - Neuroscience, 2017 - augusta.elsevierpure.com
The effects of cannabinoids are primarily mediated by type-1 cannabinoid receptors in the
brain and type-2 cannabinoid receptors (CB2Rs) in the peripheral immune system …

Distinct roles of neuronal and microglial CB2 cannabinoid receptors in the mouse hippocampus

Y Li, J Kim - Neuroscience, 2017 - ibroneuroscience.org
The effects of cannabinoids are primarily mediated by type-1 cannabinoid receptors in the
brain and type-2 cannabinoid receptors (CB2Rs) in the peripheral immune system …

[引用][C] Distinct roles of neuronal and microglial CB2 cannabinoid receptors in the mouse hippocampus

Y Li, J Kim - Neuroscience, 2017 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Distinct roles of neuronal and microglial CB2 cannabinoid receptors in the mouse
hippocampus | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 …

Distinct roles of neuronal and microglial CB2 cannabinoid receptors in the mouse hippocampus

Y Li, J Kim - Neuroscience, 2017 - pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The effects of cannabinoids are primarily mediated by type-1 cannabinoid receptors in the
brain and type-2 cannabinoid receptors (CB2Rs) in the peripheral immune system …

Distinct roles of neuronal and microglial CB2 cannabinoid receptors in the mouse hippocampus.

Y Li, J Kim - Neuroscience, 2017 - europepmc.org
The effects of cannabinoids are primarily mediated by type-1 cannabinoid receptors in the
brain and type-2 cannabinoid receptors (CB2Rs) in the peripheral immune system …