C Lehmann - Conference on'Clause Combining, 1985 - researchgate.net
The factors cross-linguistically relevant to clause linkage are surveyed in the form of a couple of continua. These pertain to: 1. the integration of one clause into the other …
C Lehmann - Conference on'Clause Combining, 1985 - christianlehmann.eu
The factors cross-linguistically relevant to clause linkage are surveyed in the form of a couple of continua. These pertain to: 1. the integration of one clause into the other …
C Lehmann - Conference on'Clause Combining, 1985 - christianlehmann.eu
The factors cross-linguistically relevant to clause linkage are surveyed in the form of a couple of continua. These pertain to: 1. the integration of one clause into the other …
C Lehmann - Clause Combining in Grammar and Discourse, 1988 - jbe-platform.com
Towards a typology of clause linkage | John Benjamins 1887 Google CONTACT SUPPORT John Benjamins Toggle search navigation Toggle main navigation View Shopping Cart John …