Internet of things and big data analytics for smart and connected communities

Y Sun, H Song, AJ Jara, R Bie - IEEE access, 2016 -
This paper promotes the concept of smart and connected communities SCC, which is
evolving from the concept of smart cities. SCC are envisioned to address synergistically the …

Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics for Smart and Connected Communities

Y Sun, H Song, AJ Jara, R Bie - 2016 -
This paper promotes the concept of smart and connected communities SCC, which is
evolving from the concept of smart cities. SCC are envisioned to address synergistically the …

[PDF][PDF] Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics for Smart and Connected Communities

This paper promotes the concept of smart and connected communities SCC, which is
evolving from the concept of smart cities. SCC are envisioned to address synergistically the …

Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics for Smart and Connected Communities

Y Sun, H Song, AJ Jara, R Bie - IEEE Access, 2016 -
This paper promotes the concept of smart and connected communities SCC, which is
evolving from the concept of smart cities. SCC are envisioned to address synergistically the …

[引用][C] Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics for Smart and Connected Communities

Y Sun, H Song, AJ Jara, R Bie - IEEE Access, 2016 -
Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics for Smart and Connected Communities | CiNii
Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 …

[PDF][PDF] Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics for Smart and Connected Communities

Y SUN, H SONG, AJ JARA, R BIE - 2014 -
This paper promotes the concept of smart and connected communities SCC, which is
evolving from the concept of smart cities. SCC are envisioned to address synergistically the …

[引用][C] Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics for Smart and Connected Communities

Y Sun, H Song, AJ Jara, R Bie - IEEE Access, 2016 -
Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics for Smart and Connected Communities - NASA/ADS
Now on home page ads icon ads Enable full ADS view NASA/ADS Internet of Things and Big …