Knowledge sharing: developing from within

K Patrick, F Dotsika - The Learning Organization, 2007 -
Purpose–If collaboration and knowledge sharing lie at the core of providing added‐value to
either services or products can we improve this process? The purpose of this paper is to …

Knowledge sharing: developing from within

K Patrick, F Dotsika - The Learning Organization, 2007 - …
Purpose–If collaboration and knowledge sharing lie at the core of providing added-value to
either services or products can we improve this process? The purpose of this paper is to …

Knowledge Sharing: Developing from within.

K Patrick, F Dotsika - Learning Organization, 2007 - ERIC
Purpose: If collaboration and knowledge sharing lie at the core of providing added-value to
either services or products can we improve this process? The purpose of this paper is to …

Knowledge sharing: developing from within

K Patrick, F Dotsika - The Learning Organization: An …, 2007 -
Purpose‐If collaboration and knowledge sharing lie at the core of providing added-value to
either services or products can we improve this process? The purpose of this paper is to …

[引用][C] Knowledge sharing: developing from within

P Keith, F Dotsika - The Learning Organization, 2007 - Emerald Group Publishing, Limited