[图书][B] Rethinking causality in quantum mechanics

C Giarmatzi - 2019 - books.google.com
Causality is central to understanding the mechanisms of nature: some event" A" is the cause
of another event “B”. Surprisingly, causality does not follow this simple rule in quantum …

Rethinking Causality in Quantum Mechanics

C Giarmatzi - Springer
Causality is central to understanding the mechanisms of nature: some event" A" is the cause
of another event “B”. Surprisingly, causality does not follow this simple rule in quantum …

[PDF][PDF] Rethinking causality in quantum mechanics

C Giarmatzi - core.ac.uk
Causality was always believed to be a well-defined fundamental concept in classical
physics. However, the late efforts for a theory of quantum gravity have suggested that causal …

[引用][C] Rethinking Causality in Quantum Mechanics

C Giarmatzi - 2019 - opus.lib.uts.edu.au
OPUS at UTS: Rethinking Causality in Quantum Mechanics - Open Publications of UTS
Scholars Skip navigation OPUS at UTS | Open Publications of UTS Scholars Statistics Help …

[PDF][PDF] Rethinking causality in quantum mechanics

C Giarmatzi - quantum.info
Causality was always believed to be a well-defined fundamental concept in classical
physics. However, the late efforts for a theory of quantum gravity have suggested that causal …

[引用][C] Rethinking causality in quantum mechanics

C Giarmatzi - 2018 - espace.library.uq.edu.au
Causality was always believed to be a well-defined fundamental concept in classical
physics. However, the late efforts for a theory of quantum gravity have suggested that causal …