Electrical properties and ultrafast photo-response of InGaAs/InP grown by low-temperature molecular beam epitaxy with a GaAs decomposition source

JM Kim, YT Lee, JD Song, JH Kim - Journal of crystal growth, 2004 - Elsevier
Lattice-matched InGaAs on (100) InP was grown by molecular beam epitaxy with arsenic
dimers (As2) at a growth temperature (Tg) range of 250–470° C. Measurements of double …

[引用][C] Electrical properties and ultrafast photo-response of InGaAs/InP grown by low-temperature molecular beam epitaxy with a GaAs decomposition source

JM Kim, YT Lee, JD Song, JH Kim - Journal of Crystal Growth, 2004 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Electrical properties and ultrafast photo-response of InGaAs/InP grown by low-temperature
molecular beam epitaxy with a GaAs decomposition source | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学 …

[引用][C] Electrical properties and ultrafast photo-response of InGaAs/InP grown by low-temperature molecular beam epitaxy with a GaAs decomposition source

JM KIM, YT LEE, JD SONG, JH KIM - Journal of crystal growth, 2004 - pascal-francis.inist.fr
Electrical properties and ultrafast photo-response of InGaAs/InP grown by low-temperature
molecular beam epitaxy with a GaAs decomposition source CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS …

Electrical properties and ultrafast photo-response of InGaAs/InP grown by low-temperature molecular beam epitaxy with a GaAs decomposition source

JM Kim, YT Lee, JD Song, JH Kim - Journal of Crystal Growth, 2004 - infona.pl
Lattice-matched InGaAs on (100) InP was grown by molecular beam epitaxy with arsenic
dimers (As 2) at a growth temperature (T g) range of 250-470 o C. Measurements of double …

Electrical properties and ultrafast photo-response of InGaAs/InP grown by low-temperature molecular beam epitaxy with a GaAs decomposition source

JM Kim, YT Lee, JD Song, JH Kim - Journal of Crystal Growth, 2004 - pure.kaist.ac.kr
Abstract Lattice-matched InGaAs on (100) InP was grown by molecular beam epitaxy with
arsenic dimers (As 2) at a growth temperature (T g) range of 250-470 C. Measurements of …

Electrical properties and ultrafast photo-response of InGaAs/InP grown by low-temperature molecular beam epitaxy with a GaAs decomposition source

JM Kim, YT Lee, JD Song… - Journal of Crystal Growth, 2004 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Abstract Lattice-matched InGaAs on (1 0 0) InP was grown by molecular beam epitaxy with
arsenic dimers (As 2) at a growth temperature (T g) range of 250-470 C. Measurements of …

[引用][C] Electrical properties and ultrafast photo-response of InGaAs

JM KIM, YT LEE, JD SONG, JH KIM - Journal of crystal growth, 2004 - Elsevier