Smooth haptic interaction in broadcasted augmented reality

J Cha, BC Lee, J Kim, S Kim, J Ryu - … , Rome, Italy, September 12-16, 2005 …, 2005 - Springer
This paper presents smooth haptic interaction methods for an immersive and interactive
broadcasting system combining haptics in augmented reality. When touching the …

Smooth haptic interaction in broadcasted augmented reality

J Cha, BC Lee, J Kim, S Kim, J Ryu - Proceedings of the 2005 IFIP TC13 …, 2005 -
This paper presents smooth haptic interaction methods for an immersive and interactive
broadcasting system combining haptics in augmented reality. When touching the …

[引用][C] Smooth haptic interaction in broadcasted augmented reality

JE CHA - Proc. 10th IFIP TC13 Int'l Conf. on Human-Computer …, 2005 -
Smooth haptic interaction in broadcasted augmented reality | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学
研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データをさがす 大学 …

[PDF][PDF] Smooth Haptic Interaction in Broadcasted Augmented Reality

J Cha, BC Lee, J Kim, S Kim, J Ryu - 2005 -
This paper presents smooth haptic interaction methods for an immersive and interactive
broadcasting system combining haptics in augmented reality. When touching the …

[PDF][PDF] Smooth Haptic Interaction in Broadcasted Augmented Reality

J Cha, BC Lee, J Kim, S Kim, J Ryu - 2005 -
This paper presents smooth haptic interaction methods for an immersive and interactive
broadcasting system combining haptics in augmented reality. When touching the …

[PDF][PDF] Smooth Haptic Interaction in Broadcasted Augmented Reality

J Cha, BC Lee, J Kim, S Kim, J Ryu - 2005 -
This paper presents smooth haptic interaction methods for an immersive and interactive
broadcasting system combining haptics in augmented reality. When touching the …

[引用][C] Smooth haptic interaction in broadcasted augmented reality

J CHA, BC LEE, JP KIM, S KIM… - Lecture notes in …, 2005 -
Smooth haptic interaction in broadcasted augmented reality CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS
Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases Simple search Advanced search Search by …

Smooth Haptic Interaction in Broadcasted Augmented Reality

J Cha, BC Lee, J Kim, S Kim, J Ryu - Human-Computer Interaction …, 2005 - Springer
This paper presents smooth haptic interaction methods for an immersive and interactive
broadcasting system combining haptics in augmented reality. When touching the …

[引用][C] Smooth Haptic Interaction in Broadcasted Augmented Reality

J Cha, BC Lee, J Kim, S Kim, J Ryu - Human-Computer Interaction …, 2005 - Springer

[引用][C] Smooth haptic interaction in broadcasted augmented reality

J CHA, BC LEE, JP KIM, S KIM, J RYU - Lecture notes in computer …, 2005 - Springer