Magnetic tunnel junction with reduced damage

CH Diaz, RL Lee - US Patent 9,905,751, 2018 - Google Patents
A method includes patterning a metal layer to form a plurality of bottom electrode features,
forming a Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) stack by a line-of-sight deposition process such …

Magnetic Tunnel Junction With Reduced Damage

CH Diaz - US Patent App. 14/757,582, 2017 - Google Patents
A method includes patterning a metal layer to form a plurality of bottom electrode features,
forming a Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) stack by a line-of-sight deposition process such …

Magnetic tunnel junction with reduced damage

CH Diaz, R Lee - US Patent 9,905,751, 2018 -
A method includes patterning a metal layer to form a plurality of bottom electrode features,
forming a Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) stack by a line-of-sight deposition process such …

Magnetic Tunnel Junction With Reduced Damage

CH Diaz - US Patent App. 14/757,582, 2017 -
A method includes patterning a metal layer to form a plurality of bottom electrode features,
forming a Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) stack by a line-of-sight deposition process such …