Electrical switching apparatus including a second trip circuit responding to failure of a first trip circuit to provide a repetitive signal

RT Elms - US Patent 7,486,492, 2009 - Google Patents
3,736,468 A 5, 1973 Reeves et al. 4,079,205 A* 3/1978 Glenn........................ 379,183
4,081,852 A 3/1978 Coley et al. 4,351,013 A 9, 1982 Matsko et al. 4.412, 193 A 10, 1983 …

Electrical switching apparatus including a second trip circuit responding to failure of a first trip circuit to provide a repetitive signal

RT Elms - US Patent 7,486,492, 2009 - freepatentsonline.com
A receptacle includes separable contacts, an operating mechanism structured to open and
close the separable contacts, and two trip circuits. A first microprocessor-based trip circuit …

Electrical switching apparatus including a second trip circuit responding to failure of a first trip circuit to provide a repetitive signal

R Elms - US Patent App. 11/333,918, 2007 - Google Patents
A receptacle includes separable contacts, an operating mechanism structured to open and
close the separable contacts, and two trip circuits. A first microprocessor-based trip circuit …

Electrical switching apparatus including a second trip circuit responding to failure of a first trip circuit to provide a repetitive signal

RT Elms - US Patent App. 11/333,918, 2007 - freepatentsonline.com
A receptacle includes separable contacts, an operating mechanism structured to open and
close the separable contacts, and two trip circuits. A first microprocessor-based trip circuit …