Fully decentralized multi-party consent management for secure sharing of patient health records

MM Madine, K Salah, R Jayaraman, I Yaqoob… - IEEE …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Patients are becoming aware of the importance of taking secure control and managing
access over their medical data, thereby leading to the rise in the adoption of personal health …

[引用][C] Fully Decentralized Multi-Party Consent Management for Secure Sharing of Patient Health Records

MM Madine, K Salah, R Jayaraman, I Yaqoob… - IEEE …, 2020 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Fully Decentralized Multi-Party Consent Management for Secure Sharing of Patient Health
Records - NASA/ADS Now on home page ads icon ads Enable full ADS view NASA/ADS Fully …

Fully Decentralized Multi-Party Consent Management for Secure Sharing of Patient Health Records

MM Madine, K Salah, R Jayaraman, I Yaqoob… - IEEE …, 2020 - nchr.elsevierpure.com
Patients are becoming aware of the importance of taking secure control and managing
access over their medical data, thereby leading to the rise in the adoption of personal health …

[PDF][PDF] Fully Decentralized Multi-Party Consent Management for Secure Sharing of Patient Health Records

M MADINE, K SALAH, R JAYARAMAN, I YAQOOB… - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Patients are becoming aware of the importance of taking secure control and managing
access over their medical data, thereby leading to the rise in the adoption of personal health …

[PDF][PDF] Fully Decentralized Multi-Party Consent Management for Secure Sharing of Patient Health Records

MM MADINE, K SALAH, R JAYARAMAN, I YAQOOB… - biihealthtech.com
Patients are becoming aware of the importance of taking secure control and managing
access over their medical data, thereby leading to the rise in the adoption of personal health …

[PDF][PDF] Fully Decentralized Multi-Party Consent Management for Secure Sharing of Patient Health Records

M MADINE, K SALAH, R JAYARAMAN, I YAQOOB… - researchgate.net
Patients are becoming aware of the importance of taking secure control and managing
access over their medical data, thereby leading to the rise in the adoption of personal health …

Fully decentralized multi-party consent management for secure sharing of patient health records

MM Madine, K Salah, R Jayaraman… - IEEE …, 2020 - researchoutput.csu.edu.au
Patients are becoming aware of the importance of taking secure control and managing
access over their medical data, thereby leading to the rise in the adoption of personal health …

[PDF][PDF] Fully Decentralized Multi-Party Consent Management for Secure Sharing of Patient Health Records

MM MADINE, K SALAH, R JAYARAMAN, I YAQOOB… - researchoutput.csu.edu.au
Patients are becoming aware of the importance of taking secure control and managing
access over their medical data, thereby leading to the rise in the adoption of personal health …

[PDF][PDF] Fully Decentralized Multi-Party Consent Management for Secure Sharing of Patient Health Records

M MADINE, K SALAH, R JAYARAMAN, I YAQOOB… - researchgate.net
Patients are becoming aware of the importance of taking secure control and managing
access over their medical data, thereby leading to the rise in the adoption of personal health …