Data mining and rough set theory

JW Grzymala-Busse, W Ziarko - Communications of the ACM, 2000 -
Most likely they refer to the number of possible different cases (rows) of the table. They are
mistaken. The correct number is 2010^ 10= 1.024* 10^ 13). In all of these areas we may …

[PDF][PDF] Data Mining and Rough Set Theory

JW Grzymala-Busse, W Ziarko - COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM, 2000 -
Most likely they refer to the number of possible different cases (rows) of the table. They are
mistaken. The correct number is 2010^ 10= 1.024* 10^ 13). In all of these areas we may …

[PDF][PDF] Data Mining and Rough Set Theory

JW Grzymala-Busse, W Ziarko - COMMUNICATIONS OF THE …, 2000 -
Most likely they refer to the number of possible different cases (rows) of the table. They are
mistaken. The correct number is 2010^ 10= 1.024* 10^ 13). In all of these areas we may …

Data Mining and Rough Set Theory.

JW Grzymala-Busse, W Ziarko - Communications of the ACM, 2000 -
This is in response to" Myths about Rough Set Theory (Nov. 1998, p. 102) by WW
Koczkodaj, M. Orlowski, and VW Marek. The authors raise some important issues and …

[引用][C] Data mining and Rough Set Theory

JW Grzymala-Busse, W Ziarko - Association for Computing Machinery …, 2000 -
A response to Myths about Rough Set Theory by WW Koczkodaj, M. Orlowski, and VW
Marek is presented.