Tunable holographic second-harmonic generators in high-birefringence optical fibers

MC Farries, PSJ Russell, L Poyntz-Wright - Optics letters, 1988 - opg.optica.org
The formation of efficient holographic second-harmonic generators in high-birefringence
phosphorus-doped germanosilicate fibers is reported. The influence of optical polarization …

Tunable holographic second-harmonic generators in high birefringence optical fibres

ME Fermann, MC Farries, PSJ Russell… - Optics …, 1988 - eprints.soton.ac.uk
The formation of efficient holographic second-harmonic generation in high-birefringence
phosphorus-doped germanosilicate fibers is reported. The influence of optical polarisation …

Tunable holographic second-harmonic generators in high-birefringence optical fibers.

ME Fermann, MC Farries, PS Russell… - Optics Letters, 1988 - europepmc.org
The formation of efficient holographic second-harmonic generators in high-birefringence
phosphorus-doped germanosilicate fibers is reported. The influence of optical polarization …

[引用][C] Tunable holographic second-harmonic generators in high-birefringence optical fibers

ME FERMANN, MC FARRIES, P RUSSELL… - Optics …, 1988 - pascal-francis.inist.fr
Tunable holographic second-harmonic generators in high-birefringence optical fibers CNRS
Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases Simple search …

[引用][C] Tunable holographic second-harmonic generators in high-birefringence optical fibers

ME Fermann, MC Farries, PSJ Russell… - Optics …, 1988 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Tunable holographic second-harmonic generators in high-birefringence optical fibers -
NASA/ADS Now on home page ads icon ads Enable full ADS view NASA/ADS Tunable …

Tunable holographic second-harmonic generators in high-birefringence optical fibers

ME Fermann, MC Farries, PSJ Russell, L Poyntz-Wright - opg.optica.org
The formation of efficient holographic second-harmonic generators in high-birefringence
phosphorus-doped ger-manosilicate fibers is reported. The influence of optical polarization …

Tunable holographic second-harmonic generators in high-birefringence optical fibers

ME Fermann, MC Farries, PS Russell… - Optics …, 1988 - pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The formation of efficient holographic second-harmonic generators in high-birefringence
phosphorus-doped germanosilicate fibers is reported. The influence of optical polarization …

[PDF][PDF] gg 00S eee

Fig. 3. The measured SH conversion ŋ as a function of wavenumber deviation Av from the
writing pump wavelength, 1064 nm, for the three cases in Fig. 2. In this figure (and in Fig. 4) …

[PDF][PDF] gg 00S eee

Fig. 3. The measured SH conversion ŋ as a function of wavenumber deviation Av from the
writing pump wavelength, 1064 nm, for the three cases in Fig. 2. In this figure (and in Fig. 4) …

[引用][C] Tunable holographic second-harmonic generators in high-birefringence optical fibers

ME FERMANN, MC FARRIES, P RUSSELL… - Optics …, 1988 - Optical Society of America