Customized VGG19 architecture for pneumonia detection in chest X-rays

N Dey, YD Zhang, R Pugalenthi, NSM Raja - Pattern Recognition Letters, 2021 - Elsevier
Pneumonia is one of the major illnesses in children and aged humans due to the Infection in
the lungs. Early analysis of pneumonia is necessary to prepare for a possible treatment …

[引用][C] Customized VGG19 Architecture for Pneumonia Detection in Chest X-Rays

N Dey, YD Zhang, V Rajinikanth… - Pattern Recognition …, 2021 -
Customized VGG19 Architecture for Pneumonia Detection in Chest X-Rays - NASA/ADS Now on
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Customized VGG19 Architecture for Pneumonia Detection in Chest X-Rays

N Dey, YD Zhang, V Rajinikanth, R Pugalenthi… - 2021 -
Pneumonia is one of the major illnesses in children and aged humans due to the Infection in
the lungs. Early analysis of pneumonia is necessary to prepare for a possible treatment …