Improving software defined cognitive and secure networking

I Ahmad - arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.05296, 2020 -
Traditional communication networks consist of large sets of vendor-specific manually
configurable devices which are hardwired with specific control logic or algorithms. The …

Improving software defined cognitive and secure networking

I Ahmad - 2018 -
Tiivistelmä Perinteiset tietoliikenneverkot pohjautuvat usein laajoille manuaalisesti
konfiguroitaville valmistajakohtaisille ratkaisuille. Niissä käytetään laitekohtaista …

Improving Software Defined Cognitive and Secure Networking

I Ahmad - arXiv e-prints, 2020 -
Traditional communication networks consist of large sets of vendor-specific manually
configurable devices which are hardwired with specific control logic or algorithms. The …