Optical data synchronization scheme

G Epps, ET Cohen - US Patent 7,835,649, 2010 - Google Patents
Asynchronous optical data is aligned with synchronous convergence points in an optical
packet switching system. The convergence points can be any place where data enters an …

Optical data synchronization scheme

G Epps, E Cohen - US Patent App. 11/361,770, 2007 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND 0001. Optical packet switches and routers process pack ets in an optical
domain. Optically switching packets pre sents challenges that may not exist in electronic …

Optical data synchronization scheme

G Epps, ET Cohen - US Patent 7,835,649, 2010 - freepatentsonline.com
Asynchronous optical data is aligned with synchronous convergence points in an optical
packet switching system. The convergence points can be any place where data enters an …

Optical data synchronization scheme

G Epps, ET Cohen - US Patent App. 11/361,770, 2007 - freepatentsonline.com
Asynchronous optical data is aligned with synchronous convergence points in an optical
packet switching system. The convergence points can be any place where data enters an …