Transition management for sustainable personal mobility: the case of hydrogen fuel cells

PJ Vergragt - Greener Management International, 2004 - JSTOR
In the Dutch National Environmental Policy Plan 4 it has been recognised that persistent
environmental problems (such as global warming caused by greenhouse gases) cannot be …

Transition Management for Sustainable Personal Mobility: The Case of Hydrogen Fuel Cells

PJ Vergragt - Greener Management International, 2004 - JSTOR
In the Dutch National Environmental Policy Plan 4 it has been recognised that persistent
environmental problems (such as global warming caused by greenhouse gases) cannot be …

Transition management for sustainable personal mobility: the case of hydrogen fuel cells

PJ Vergragt - Greener Management International, 2004 -
In the Dutch National Environmental Policy Plan 4 it has been recognised that persistent
environmental problems (such as global warming caused by greenhouse gases) cannot be …

[引用][C] Transition management for sustainable personal mobility

PJ Vergragt - IEEE Engineering Management Review, 2006 -
Transition management for sustainable personal mobility | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE
Xplore Transition management for sustainable personal mobility Abstract: This publication …

Transition Management for Sustainable Personal Mobility.

PJ Vergragt - Greener Management International, 2004 -
Abstract In the Dutch National Environmental Policy Plan 4 it has been recognised that
persistent environmental problems (such as global warming caused by greenhouse gases) …

[PDF][PDF] Transition Management for Sustainable Personal Mobility

PJ Vergragt - Citeseer
In the Dutch National Environmental Policy Plan 4 it has been recognised that persistent
environmental problems (such as global warming caused by greenhouse gases) cannot be …

[PDF][PDF] Transition Management for Sustainable Personal Mobility

PJ Vergragt -
In the Dutch National Environmental Policy Plan 4 it has been recognised that persistent
environmental problems (such as global warming caused by greenhouse gases) cannot be …

Transition Management for Sustainable Personal Mobility: The Case of Hydrogen Fuel Cells

PJ Vergragt - Greener Management International, 2004 -
Abstract In the Dutch National Environmental Policy Plan 4 it has been recognized that
persistent environmental problems cannot be solved by traditional policy instruments or by …

[引用][C] Transition management for sustainable personal mobility

P Vergragt - IEEE Engineering Management Review, 2006 -
Transition management for sustainable personal mobility × Close The Infona portal uses
cookies, ie strings of text saved by a browser on the user's device. The portal can access those …

[PDF][PDF] Transition Management for Sustainable Personal Mobility

PJ Vergragt -
In the Dutch National Environmental Policy Plan 4 it has been recognised that persistent
environmental problems (such as global warming caused by greenhouse gases) cannot be …