Using circular programs to deforest in accumulating parameters

J Voigtländer - Proceedings of the ASIAN symposium on Partial …, 2002 -
Functional languages allow a modular programming style by function composition, which
however can lead to inefficient runtime behavior due to production and consumption of …

Using Circular Programs to Deforest in Accumulating Parameters

J Voigtländer - Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation, 2004 -
This paper presents a functional program transformation that removes intermediate data
structures in compositions of two members of a class of recursive functions with …

Using Circular Programs to Deforest in Accumulating Parameters

J Voigtländer - Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation, 2004 - Springer
This paper presents a functional program transformation that removes intermediate data
structures in compositions of two members of a class of recursive functions with …

[PS][PS] Using Circular Programs to Deforest in Accumulating Parameters

J Voigtländer - 2002 -
Functional languages allow a modular programming style by function composition, which
however can lead to inefficient runtime behavior due to production and consumption of …

[PDF][PDF] Using Circular Programs to Deforest in Accumulating Parameters

J Voigtländer -
This paper presents a functional program transformation that removes intermediate data
structures in compositions of two members of a class of recursive functions with …

Using Circular Programs to Deforest in Accumulating Parameters

J Voigtländer - Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation, 2004 -
This paper presents a functional program transformation that removes intermediate data
structures in compositions of two members of a class of recursive functions with …

[PS][PS] Using Circular Programs to Deforest in Accumulating Parameters

J Voigtländer - 2002 -
Functional languages allow a modular programming style by function composition, which
however can lead to inefficient runtime behavior due to production and consumption of …

[引用][C] Using Circular Programs to Deforest in Accumulating Parameters

J Voigtländer - Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation (formerly …, 2004 -
Using Circular Programs to Deforest in Accumulating Parameters | CiNii Research CiNii 国立
情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データをさがす …

Using Circular Programs to Deforest in Accumulating Parameters

J Voigtlander - Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation, 2004 -
This paper presents a functional program transformation that removes intermediate data
structures in compositions of two members of a class of recursive functions with …

[PDF][PDF] Using Circular Programs to Deforest in Accumulating Parameters

J Voigtländer - 2002 - Citeseer
Functional languages allow a modular programming style by function composition, which
however can lead to inefficient runtime behavior due to production and consumption of …