Converting content to reusable learning objects adaptable to user preferences and infrastructure

J Schreurs, AY Al-Zoubi - E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning …, 2007 -
Abstract e-SCHEMA, generating e-MINDMAPS, does not guarantee the reusability of the
learning content, nor the interopera-bility of the MINDMAP course modules. A new solution …

[PDF][PDF] Converting Content to Reusable Learning Objects Adaptable to User Preferences and Infrastructure

J Schreurs, AY Al-Zoubi -
A number of e-learning courses based on the e-MINDMAP concept were developed and
placed in a learning management system (LMS) as solution to support the supervised and …

Converting content to reusable learning objects adaptable to user preferences and infrastructure

J SCHREURS, AY Al-Zoubi - 2007 -
A number of e-learning courses based on the e-MINDMAP concept were developed and
placed in a learning management system (LMS) as solution to support the supervised and …

[PDF][PDF] Converting Content to Reusable Learning Objects Adaptable to User Preferences and Infrastructure

J Schreurs, AY Al-Zoubi -
A number of e-learning courses based on the e-MINDMAP concept were developed and
placed in a learning management system (LMS) as solution to support the supervised and …

[PDF][PDF] Converting Content to Reusable Learning Objects Adaptable to User Preferences and Infrastructure

J Schreurs, AY Al-Zoubi -
A number of e-learning courses based on the e-MINDMAP concept were developed and
placed in a learning management system (LMS) as solution to support the supervised and …