Electrical switch assembly

E Cryer - US Patent 4,129,757, 1978 - Google Patents
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Ladas, Parry, Von Gehr, Goldsmith & Deschamps 57 ABSTRACT A
multiposition, multicontact, hermetically-sealed elec trical switch assembly includes a body …

Electrical switch assembly

E Cryer - US Patent 4,129,757, 1978 - freepatentsonline.com
A multiposition, multicontact, hermetically-sealed electrical switch assembly includes a body,
a movable element supported by the body for movement relative thereto, and first electrical …

Electrical switch assembly

E Cryer - US Patent 4,129,757, 1978 - freepatentsonline.net
A multiposition, multicontact, hermetically-sealed electrical switch assembly includes a body,
a movable element supported by the body for movement relative thereto, and first electrical …