Corpus and context

S Adolphs - Corpus and Context, 2008 -
The research for this publication draws on a number of spoken corpus resources with a view
to gaining a better understanding of the extent to which the analysis of spoken corpus data …

[引用][C] Corpus and Context

S Adolphs - Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 2008 -

Corpus and Context: Investigating pragmatic functions in spoken discourse

S Adolphs - 2008 -
Corpus and Context explores the relationship between corpus linguistics and pragmatics by
discussing possible frameworks for analysing utterance function on the basis of spoken …

[图书][B] Corpus and Context: Investigating pragmatic functions in spoken discourse

S Adolphs - 2008 -
Corpus and Context explores the relationship between corpus linguistics and pragmatics by
discussing possible frameworks for analysing utterance function on the basis of spoken …

[图书][B] Corpus and Context: Investigating Pragmatic Functions in Spoken Discourse

S Adolphs - 2008 -
Corpus and Context explores the relationship between corpus linguistics and pragmatics by
discussing possible frameworks for analysing utterance function on the basis of spoken …

[引用][C] Corpus and context: investigating pragmatic functions in spoken discourse

S Adolphs - (No Title) -
Corpus and context : investigating pragmatic functions in spoken discourse | CiNii Research
CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データを …