Đ Tuce, I Fako - Psihologijske teme, 2014 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak Cilj je rada ispitati ukupan i zasebne doprinose osobina ličnosti adolescenata (velikih pet osobina ličnosti) i varijabli obiteljskog konteksta (percepcija roditeljskog …
Đ Tuce, I Fako - Psychological Topics, 2014 - pt.ffri.hr
The aim of this paper was to establish the total and individual contributions of family context variables (perception of parental behavior of mothers and fathers, and perception of family …
Đ Tuce, I Fako - Psychological Topics, 2014 - pt.ffri.hr
The aim of this paper was to establish the total and individual contributions of family context variables (perception of parental behavior of mothers and fathers, and perception of family …
Ð Tuce, I Fako - Psychological Topics, 2014 - search.proquest.com
The aim of this paper was to establish the total and individual contributions of personality traits of the adolescents (Big five personality traits) and family context variables (perception …
Sažetak Cilj je rada ispitati ukupan i zasebne doprinose osobina ličnosti adolescenata (velikih pet osobina ličnosti) i varijabli obiteljskog konteksta (percepcija roditeljskog …
Sažetak Cilj je rada ispitati ukupan i zasebne doprinose osobina ličnosti adolescenata (velikih pet osobina ličnosti) i varijabli obiteljskog konteksta (percepcija roditeljskog …
Đ Tuce, I Fako - Psihologijske Teme, 2014 - psycnet.apa.org
The aim of this paper was to establish the total and individual contributions of personality traits of the adolescents (Big five personality traits) and family context variables (perception …